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In 1964 a Band of Surfer Dudes Pulled Off New York’s Biggest Jewel Heist (nytimes.com)
43 points by pseudolus on Oct 19, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

I wonder if W. Peter Iliff, the screenplay writer for Point Break, was aware of and inspired by this 1964 surfer-led heist.

Tapping the Source, a surf/crime/noir novel, is widely considered to be a source of inspiration for Point Break as well.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Roland_Murphy they were led by "Murph the Surf"

So Murph the surf led to point break which led to fast and the furious franchise the total gross revenue of which dwarfs the original crimes

So the lesson is if you come up with a clever way to rob a bank, don't worry about making a clean getaway. Make a movie, like Inside Man.

The Fast and Furious was not inspired by Point Break.

It was inspired by the director (Rob Cohen) having watched illegal street races in Los Angeles.

Come on, Fast is almost a scene for scene remake of Point Break.

It is not. Both Point Break and Fast are simply following the standard cop infiltrates crime organization script.

Unless you're now also claiming that The Departed is just a remake of Point Break?

“The heist was the subject of the film Murph the Surf (1975), directed by Marvin Chomsky”

Title should probably mention this was in 1964 unless I’m misreading the article.


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