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Honeycomb isn't a bad jobs site. They helped me get a job once, which lasted for about three days, but still, i am grateful for any kind of job, especially at the time. that being said, would i want to work for someone who starts to personally dislike people because they assume the male co-interviewer is the technical one? I am not sure. Although i understand that technical women might feel slighted by this and perhaps she cannot help it, it's a really easy mistake to make. it follows people will need to be on their toes arround her in order to not be on the receiving end of a moral judgement and I obviously would not want my boss to think that way about me.

I can understand your concern, as it's often raised by conscientious people when women interviewers mention this.

While I can't speak for the specific people at Honeycomb, this request for clarification usually results in the interviewers clarifying that they're talking about the case where the interviewee _never_ responds to them, even when they are the one asking the questions. Responding to the person who asked the question is 101 conversation stuff.

In my experience, while some sexist folks who would be terrible coworkers hide it well, many don't. I interviewed someone once whose answer to the over-the-plate softball question of "What's a weakness of yours that you're working on?" was "Women don't get along with me. We're like this. mimes punching hands together" This was for a role where he'd be expected to work with customers who were primarily women. Amazing.

Well i guess he can always try out for a clown role somewhere. As for the other part, I very much hope you are right and what she wrote isn't to be taken as strictly. It also very much depends on the situation.

Honeycomb is not a jobs site (not the one referenced in this blog post, anyway)

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