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`git commit -m “added factoryboy to generate random target coordinates to test the launch sequence.”`

`git commit -m “Fuck fuck fuck, forgot to replace the launch API endpoint with a mock one.”`

Scrum master: “Let’s implement the stuff with the highest customer value first.”

Developer A: “I guess that means being able to launch the nukes.”

Developer B: “Yeah. Auth can come later.”

Developer C: “Nobody answered us about how they want the abort sequence to work. I guess we’ll defer it to the next sprint.”

Just set the password to 00000000 for now and we can change it later....


The Kanye West method

So, who thought it was a good thing to have CI/CD on this anyway? Is that NORAD on the phone?

"Oops, we nuked our staging database. Literally."

True story— the launch codes were 00000 for decades.

Gatherer 21, or gatherer 24, does naught approve.

Hunter/Gatherer , hunter12, Get IT.

lol and ROL. my gentlemen. women. polar bears, whatever.

I approve. Just making a joke.

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