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OK. So it's harder to narrow down where the benefits are coming from. It could be a combination of the two!

But I find FODMAPs and Whole 30 to be useful starting places. Glad you found a collection of foods that work for you. (And I love mushrooms, blueberries and figs!)

I did look at FODMAPs too. I think it caused much of my gas. So took some inspiration from that, but it's tricky:

e.g. FODMAPs says definitely no garlic. While a Harvard "endorsed" anti-inflammation diet said eat lots of garlic.

Beans, lentils etc...it's all over the place depending on whom you listen to. :(

I'll have a look at Whole30 - never heard of it. Also seeing lots of chat about "Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen" on /r/plantbaseddiet

>Glad you found a collection of foods that work for you.

So far so good. :)

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