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Maybe I chose the wrong word. English is my second language. He just posted an open question on twitter and I answered. There was no hate or discussion. For me it was bittersweet because I was happy to interact, I thought I was contributing because I do have a ton of experience with the subject, but then when I was expecting a reply, he blocked. There was no interaction.

Let me be clear that people are free to block whoever they want. Dave is not required or expected to interact with me. It was for me unexpected because I thought that some conversation could emerge. Still, this is not a shame the guy session. Everyone has the right to block whoever they want for whatever reason they want. My comment was actually about how besides that bad day, I still value his work a lot and still am influenced and play with the concepts and technologies he created.

What's your Twitter handle so I can unblock. And thanks for being so reasonable about it.

Hey thanks a ton for all the work in these last 25 years. The account is https://twitter.com/soapdog

I just unblocked and followed you.

Thanks for the respect, much appreciated. ;-)

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