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Chrome, Firefox, et all can easily use 4Gb of ram in normal situations.

I always see comments like this, but never understand where they come from.

To be clear, I'm not telling you that you are wrong, or lying. I do believe some people see this. I just don't understand how it's normal. I've -never- had anything like this. Am I the odd one out?

My system now has 32GB of memory. I have two chrome windows open, one with 14 tabs, the other with 2. Below is the memory situation of the entire machine.

  $ free -m
                total        used        free      shared  
  buff/cache   available
  Mem:          32094        3164       26741         864        
  2188       27612
  Swap:             0           0           0

>>>I have two chrome windows open, one with 14 tabs, the other with 2

I'm sitting at 5.8/16GB used with 87 tabs open in Brave.

I usually leave tabs open as a sort of "soft bookmarking", and a reminder to go back and read something later. For example, I have 7 tabs next to each other from the EvolutionM.net forum, and all those little Mitsubishi icons on the top of my browser are a constant "At some point you need to study how to properly maintain your dual-clutch transmission instead of paying Mitsubishi $1000+ for a fluid flush."

But surely you realize this is a luxury afforded to you by having purchased a machine with more ram.

For those that want or need to save money, less ram can be used and the same soft bookmarking can be accomplished by using OneTab or similar browser extensions.

Oh absolutely. I totally understand reducing your hardware costs if your use case is focused. I wish there were more options for purchasing "no frills" hardware in life....particularly cars.

You're not the odd one out. My laptop running ubuntu has 4GB, I use it for everything, I use Firefox all the time, and it's fine. I even edit video now and then.

Yeah, I'm not sure who the odd one out is honestly and no one does unless we have telemetry for all computers but chrome and firefox definitely can hog tons of ram. I guess it depends on what sites you frequent and have open

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