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To be honest, I was fatigued the moment it looked like just another programming language. After seeing there is absolutely no documentation, I don't even understand why anyone would upvote this.

I think negative top level comments are discussion derailing not constructive.

That's true, but it's easy to blame the comment more than the upvotes, which are arguably the worse problem.

Nearly any first post comment will get upvotes, if the sentiment of a first post comment is negative, it steers the whole discussion in being over critical. First post and top comments provide a positive feedback loop that is often too hard to overcome.

I don't know what the answer is, but I think internet points make things worse in general. I'd love to see a forum with sentiment analysis built in and automoderators that dynamically reorder or weight posts so as to not encourage gaming the system.

Maybe upvotes on critical comments should count for less?

The problem is identifying the critical comments. Sentiment analysis doesn't work, as far as I can tell.

You're right that the problem is much worse when it's a first post. Threads are so sensitive to initial conditions.

The site says that it's in the very early stages of development. Would it be better if they iterated completely in private?

Why are you on site called "hacker news"?

Please don't respond to a bad comment by breaking the site guidelines yourself. That only makes this place even worse.


Good point, thanks.

Documentation encourages hacking, not the other way around. People are usually substituting previously-learned docs when there isn’t any. Especially for a language, though, understanding the intended use and the direction the language is growing helps prevent undocumented or unintended usage, and early obsolescence.

Edit: seems like some basic syntax docs could be generated from their source, actually. https://github.com/mun-lang/mun/tree/master/crates/mun_synta...

Oh come on, people can't show off their projects anymore until they're perfect? This habit of immediately searching for the flaws of whatever gets posted is not helping anyone. If you want polished well presented shit, go to techcrunch or something.

Of course, but this project is like a car maker inviting the press to present a new model and showing a couple different windshields ("we aren't sure about the angle") and not even a picture. There are standards: a car needs complete prototypes, and a programming language needs something that it does better than the competition and a decent explanation of how cool it is.

Every user will prefer Turing completeness (first order functons with no control structures aren't enough) to hot reloading.

Let's say technical documentation says

>Message content is ended with \0 byte, followed by a digit between 0-10 describing font colour.

What hacker does is pass `\0\0` to check if null byte is valid digit or painfully crashes system an if invalid values are handled correctly when error handling mechanisms aren't described in documentation. I think what you mean by hacking is closer to RE.

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