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I didn't sell them on a kitchen benefits package.

Where is the money going? I don't know. I have ~50 expense categories from utilities, raw materials, labor, transportatation, insurances, rent, interest expenses, accounting, taxes, etc. A dollar doesn't disappear from the kitchen budget and arrive in my pocket. Maybe it went to the R&D budget or maybe it went to buying a new dining room table.

Well that's my point isn't it? You saved money but you have no idea why or where it went. If the company was in dire straights, you could probably answer that question.

This is what middle management does, in my experience. They cut costs in different parts of a company without care of why, the point is only to make themselves look better. Who cares if employees are less happy, we saved almost enough to pay 1/4 of a new employee's salary! Who cares if the steel we're using is a lesser quality, do you have any idea how much money that saves? Who cares if our product now only works for 1/5 of the time because we removed voltage protection in a few spots, that saved us literally whole pennies per hundred units!

I mean it's not like the kitchen just appeared from the ether now is it? At some point, your company put it there, and decided to stock it with certain food and drink. So what changed?

This is why I will never work in a big corporation if I can help it. It's just a race to the bottom in every aspect.

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