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I didn’t quit fb but I unsubscribed from pretty much everybody. I think I’ve posted once in the last 6 years, though occasionally I come up tagged in friends’ pics. I think I’m better off. I occasionally miss engagements of my friends though so this is a downside. (I’m 29). I continue to use messenger to chat with friends, including one good friend who has a budget phone plan (meaning fb messages are free while texting this friend isn’t for her).

I guess I’m posting this here to say that there is a middle(?) ground that works for me. I rarely find myself envious or jealous on fb. I will confess that I do experience these emotions in my offline life (much less frequently than daily, more often than monthly). Come to think of it, while I spend under 20 minutes a week on LinkedIn, I feel some negative emotions while browsing this feed. I’ve just realized I should limit my LinkedIn better.

I’m not posting this to brag, just to share another perspective because it felt relevant.

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