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Anecdata: Not true. Most people aren't even aware of recent events.

My circle of friends is a pretty wide net and only one coworker knows about the Boeing nonsense, and he admitted it was because of Hacker News.

Surely people have noticed the thousands of cancelled flights?

Not if you are not affected by them.

The thousands of canceled flights are over millions, and the average person doesn't fly that much. Around one round trip a year in the US.

In fact, while I am very aware of the B737-MAX fiasco because I am interested in the technical side of things, I didn't even realize there were thousands of canceled flights. Sure, it is something I should know, but it is not like canceled flights are a remarkable event, and because I wasn't affected by it, I didn't really think about it.

If you've already missed it in the news, you're certainly only going to notice your own cancelled flight.

How many people do you know who frequently took flights right at the time when this was all happening? If I were not an avid reader of the news, I'd have no clue. Before this, I also would not have cared to check what airplane my flight was when I did fly.

> How many people do you know who frequently took flights right at the time when this was all happening?

They’re still being cancelled daily now! I know AA alone is cancelling over 100 flights a day. It’s not something in the past.

Are they canceling those flights, or are they not offering them? It's a big difference. People notice when a flight they've already booked is canceled. They don't notice flights that were never shown to them in the first place. I fly regularly between Boston and Seattle. I've noticed that my choice of flights is less than it was, but if I were a less regular flier on that route I'd have no idea that the selection was even reduced let alone of the reasons.

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