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The next version of Chromium Edge may be available on Linux (whooptous.com)
1 point by whooptous on Sept 29, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I'm not sure why I or anyone would need 'Chromium Edge' on Linux. It is essentially Chromium + IE + Telemetry and MS branded lipstick which is 10 steps back in terms of privacy.

No thanks, this won't make me switch. Instead I've just set Firefox as the default browser on macOS and Linux to replace Chrome on my Macbook.

> I'm not sure why I or anyone would need 'Chromium Edge' on Linux.

It depends how evil Google is willing to get on fighting adblocking. Whether they will remove request blocking APIs from the public code not even leaving an option to enable it (while keeping such option for themselves for enterprise builds) and whether Microsoft will backport it into their fork for everyone to use.

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