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At least (in my experience) hotels tend to charge those resort fees at the time of booking, instead of at the time of check-in.

Sorry, I didn't mean checkout as in checking out from the hotel. That was checkout from the booking site, when you're ready to enter in your billing details (shopping cart style) to pay for the room you just browsed on their site. The issue is the browsing experience on the main site and Google results shows $60 but at payment time it's really $100-150 because of non-avoidable resort fees and taxes.

It's one of those "dark patterns" that feels scammy.

Yeah, it's annoying, but it, at most wastes a few minutes of your time, when comparison shopping.

Compare it to getting off an airplane, arriving at the car rental kiosk to pick up your reservation, and discovering that your options consist of shelling out $100 in bullshit fees, in order to actually get your car - the car that you've placed a non-refundable reservation for.

(And even if you throw a fit, and get a refund, your only option is to go across the street, and eat a $150 markup on a same-day car rental, instead.)

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