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> Drugs make you feel good. They release chemicals in your brain that say: "Yeah, more of that!"

I would like to add this:

Alongside factors such as peer pressure and cultural availability, drugs are instrumental means to valuable ends.

Muller and Schumann (2011) delineate the following well-established functions for non-addictive consumption: (1) improved social interaction; (2) facilitated mating and sexual behavior; (3) improved cognitive performance; (4) facilitated recovery and coping with psychological stress; (5) self-medication for mental problems; (6) sensory curiosity - expanded experiential horizon; and, finally, (7) euphoria and hedonia.

Plus, being against the War on Drugs does not mean that one would personally consume drugs.

For the curious I highly recommend a book titled "Addiction and Choice: Rethinking the relationship" by Nick Heather and Gabriel Segal: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/addiction-and-choice...

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