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> What if you could download a Playstation or new TV, and have it materialize in front of you for FREE

And in doing so I didn't deprive anyone else of their TV? I would have a TV in every room of my house.

If we lived in a post-scarcity world we would be living in the Star Trek utopia. Tea, Earl Gray, Hot.

> basic human right

IP protections are also not basic human rights. When Ug invented fire, he didn't get an exclusive right to license it out to other Neanderthals for 20 years.

Now, I'm not saying that infringing on copyright is right or moral, or that IP protections are wrong, but that it's a valid debate to what extent these things should apply, and what morality is attached. Our laws as they are today are not necessarily an embodiment of what is true morality. Just dismissing it as "stealing is wrong!" is not a strong argument. Most of us agree with taxation, but in a way that's stealing as well.

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