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Yev here -> things have changed! For 1TB of data on B2 the cost of the service is actually LESS expensive for B2 than the computer backup ($6/month unlimited). B2 is priced at $5/TB/Mo - so that price has stayed the same. We also just opened a data center in Amsterdam - so you can create an account in the EU and your data will be stored there! Not sure if that helps, but figured I'd let you know!

Thanks for the reply, it does indeed make it a lot more attractive.

The main issue I have with B2 is that I'll be using some client where the API transaction costs are a complete unknown, at least to me. I have no idea how many API calls of the various sorts the different clients will use, and how they scale with my data.

I have a almost two million files, if a client uses one or two B or C API calls per file when processing the backup set, then that's 5-10 bucks right there.

Yev here -> very true, but for a backup those should only occur once and there's a free amount per day. The nice thing about our integration partners like Cloudberry is that they go through qualification and we help them develop so if their apps start to go haywire it's usually caught quickly and fixed rapidly. It's been pretty rare for the transaction calls to go haywire.

Another thing you can do to protect yourself if that's a big worry is by placing a Cap or an Alert for a transaction type. That way with an alert we'll notify you when you're nearing that cap so you'll have forewarning instead of just being charged (or if you set the cap, we'll stop until it's been lifted or reset).

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