Super excited to share this small project I built over the weekend. This is a front-end code playground inspired by my recurring need to quickly test something out in a pristine environment i.e. new tab.
- Supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Easy to share with others
1. CMD/Control + S
2. Share the URL
- Opens in an instant
- Private by design (nothing is stored because there is no server)
- No tracking
- No account to manage
You see I don't often need to save stuff I play with, I almost never need to share, and if I want JQuery there is a CDN, so I will take the simplicity and fast loading of your site over other playgrounds out there.
I've linked to you from "Utilities" page in the site in my profile.
For exactly same purpose I am grooming self-contained HTML Sandbox "datauri app" [0] living in my bookmarks that too retains its state in location (#hash) so is copypastable to other browsers. I like to load preview to isolated iframe and have single editor. (Not as golfed as xem's ([1]) but it's mine and I like its few extra features.)
First off, congrats on creating something on your own, and making it to the top of HN. It's not many people that get here by doing something on their own.
I must say that for my sporadic needs, this would be still too basic. My go-to tool has been for years but it's interesting to me how other tools have been able to monetize on this category.
One feature I really like to see in projects like this is the ability to break the 'result' window out in to a separate tab. Codepen does it (the 'debug' mode), but it loses the live refresh. I think Codesandbox can do it too. It makes them much more useful.
- Supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Easy to share with others 1. CMD/Control + S 2. Share the URL - Opens in an instant - Private by design (nothing is stored because there is no server) - No tracking - No account to manage
My first submission on Hacker News. Yay!