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He is technically correct though.

The most useless kind of correct.

edit: to the downvoters -- is a discussion on whether a man who trafficked and raped dozens of underage girls is "technically not a pedophile" really a worthwhile conversation to have?

Yes, because "pedophile" right now just means "horrible person", when it actually had a definition already - "person sexually attracted to prepubescent/pubescent children". And this makes it much harder to actually have a conversation about pedophilia and how to prevent pedophiles from hurting children and themselves.

So yes, this is a conversation much more worthwhile than whether Stallman is a bad person.

>edit: to the downvoters -- is a discussion on whether a man who trafficked and raped dozens of underage girls is "technically not a pedophile" really a worthwhile conversation to have?


And don't bother complaining about downvotes in a thread like this. Any opinion besides a full-throated defense of RMS and denunciation of his detractors as a mob of pearl-clutching SJWs or shills out to destroy free software is probably going to get voted down. People will go through your history and downvote every comment they see. There's nothing you can do about that, it's Chinatown.

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