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The phrase "paranoid hogwash" comes to mind. Lead levels are doubtless temporarily elevated in Paris, particularly near the Church. But, humans lived in much higher lead conditions for much longer periods of time than this event. Temporary, modest elevation isn't going to appreciably hurt anyone, including children.

" the tests found lead levels up to 2.5 times the French standard for buildings hosting children"

FWIIW the value of the French limit is 6.5 micrograms per square foot. That limit in America is actually 40 micrograms per square foot, meaning the "contamination" being discussed here is ... well below acceptable US limits. It's not an ideal situation, but I'm pretty sure Munchausen by Proxy syndrome is going to hurt more kids than those temporarily elevated and ruthlessly mitigated (even according to this story) lead levels.

FWIIW the Times assertions that French authorities didn't disclose or failed to inform people is complete nonsense as well; you can find that via reading the story itself, or a simple google search:



I realize it's popular to negotiate with landlords in NYC over lead levels, but this is paranoid horse shit, probably with some dumb political angle like "hey, let's put LED screens and solar panels up in place of Notre Dame's roof."

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