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I'm not sure brevity is a benchmark for a good language either.

So far as I can tell, you dislike how verbose the Ada "hello world" is, because it supports namespaces, and uses them. That wouldn't be something I'd agree with, especially not when dealing with any program of significant size.

> I'm not sure brevity is a benchmark for a good language either.

It's the only benchmark that we have any kind of analysis for (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/3188171_The_Confoun...), which correlates to less defects and less time per feature. Less code is better. Until I see evidence to the contrary, I think it's a valid criticism. YMMV

> When we controlled for class size all of the effects disappeared, providing compelling evidence for a confounding effect of class size

Holy crap; are they really saying that all the various correlations seen between numerous software metrics and fault proneness are actually the effect of nothing but raw size?

That's so intuitive. Because in our daily experience, almost all reasonable approaches to to various aspects of program organization actually work fine in programs of a size that one programmer can comfortably fully understand and maintain. Even for any technique reviled as "bad" and discouraged in coding standards, there are counterexamples of it working fine. Those counterexamples are in the context of small programs, so we are told, "just wait, that approach will burn you in a big program". But it looks like what will burn you is just the size of that big program, no matter what techniques you wield, whether blessed or not.

That little paper you pointed to there (thank you) looks pretty darn important.

I agree with less code, but the tokens themselves needing to be shorter, not so much - so long as they remain easily readable.

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