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They're definitely employees. I hope the scam ends.

By what measure? Most I've seen contract through two or more systems at once, or use it as a way to make a bit of money off carpooling to work. No employee does that.

If you're going to post comments like this, please at least make an effort to read some of the content of the thing you are arguing against. In this case it is very clearly explained in multiple places that the proposed bill utilizes the ABC test to determine whether a person is a contractor or employee.

Furthermore, working for multiple companies has absolutely nothing at all to do with whether you are an employee or not. There is nothing preventing a normal W2 FTE from working for two companies, provided their employee contracts allow it and they're able to sustain the hours.

You also seem to be making the argument that since some rideshare drivers only work a few hours a week, the ones who drive full time should just suck it up for less than minimum wage and no benefits.

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