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Ask HN: What Have You Learned at Google as a Software Engineer?
246 points by aalhour on Sept 8, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 151 comments
Hello Googlers (former and current ones),

What have you learned at Google, as a Software Engineer, that you think was interesting and helped you up your game as an engineer? Anything you can share with people outside of Google that can help them improve as engineers?

Not Google, but another Big Tech company.

Visibility is very important to getting a promotion at a large company. Selling your work is important.

To move up, you must be playing the "choose a good project or team" game for at least 6 months before you try to get promoted. Preferably for a year or more to hit the right checkboxes for multiple cycles.

If you fail to do so, you can do absolutely amazing work but rigid processes and evaluation criteria will conspire to defeat you in a promotion committee setting.

At least, that's true in my company. From my ex-Google peers it seems to be true there as well.

Being in a smaller office means you get fewer of the best projects available to you. Reorgs sometimes steal them. Cancelling projects makes the last half a waste of time from a promotion standpoint.

As for what constitutes a good project. It will:

* Let you lead it

* Have peers at your level + one or two

* Work with multiple other teams

* Ideally work with multiple teams outside of your group, e.g. you're in, say, a chat app team and get to solve issues for some other app

* Good product manager and designers with a well thought out product; it's not fair, but if the project is successful business-wise people will often incorrectly attribute that to your own skills

* Have large engineering scope. Committees get confused and sometimes think simple designs to solve complex problems are bad. You want to solve problems that are complex even in terms of the solution (or can be made to sound complex) to check more boxes.

* Allows you to solve problems for other teams

I haven't optimized for promotion and thats personally hurt me in the quest to get to L6. I very, very close but didn't quite make the leap.

Don't ignore the flaws in this committee process. Exploit them.

Don't be me.

Personally that sounds like barf ... politics, stress, insecurities, backstabbing, stress, burn out.

I am much happier working in boring government where working hard for family and with mature/secure with themselves (older) adults is paramount & prevalent. Thankfully not an enticing environment for douchebags.

Funny, I worked as a government contractor in a past life.

The government was worse IMO in that work was very slow and bureaucratic even beyond the big company overhead.

Politics couldn't be ignored; you need to keep the contract, outmaneuver the other guys going golfing with the agency head every weekend, deal with having 10 half-backed solutions you contractually cannot touch but need to in order to get things done.

Promotions were almost always about tenure, certification, and education. You could never get far ahead if you're more skilled. Worse: you couldn't really fall behind, either.

In the right spot, though, it would be lower stress. But much lower pay

Doesn't government come with its own hurdles? I have friends who have to deal with securing grant money (it's own game of flexing how important your project is with decision makers).

Government and Fortune 50 are similar in that they are big command economy type things that make decisions that don’t make any sense.

The only real differences are that leadership people generally won’t fuck you for personal financial gain, because everyone makes about the same at senior levels, and employees rarely get fired, just shuffled around.

If you’re a contractor and are smart, you stay friendly with everyone and always listen. Events that will get you purged are either procurement problems or bad political decisions with respect to the budget for whatever you do.

With employees, you need to do the dance of getting shit done while avoiding accountability. You need to get attention for performance without pisiing people off. It’s critical to find and attach yourself to a good leader.

From the developers standpoint its not something that matters until the 1 to 3 to many year contract expires. THen it times to find another govt. gig working with other nice/older/secure family focused peers.

For those under 40 everyone makes it harder on themselves then it ever needs to be. Not saying people over 40 aren't backstabbers, but its way less and going to work is more enjoyable then you worrying always about looking better then the next, you not believing in yourself and or dealing with those that fall under those categories and are a horror to work with and for.

> Personally that sounds like barf

It is and it's not.

I got mediocre plus results without too much politics, and I guess that for the long run I could advance without back stabbing anyone (the site was closed before I had a chance to test my assumption) but I agree that most of the moving up had to include politics, stress, insecurities, backstabbing and stress.

On the other hand you can relatively easy get to positions where you influence tens or more engineers while in smaller places those positions are rare and super senior

A simple solution to a complex problem is what I strive for every day as an electrical power engineer. It makes it easier for my co-workers, customers, and anyone responsible for keeping the power on in the next 50 years to understand how something works and be able to fix it if it breaks or build off of it if more capacity is required or it can be reused on a different project.

I am sad that top tier software engineering environments have lost sight of the value of simplicity. Perhaps it is doomed to become the dismal engineering, like economics is the dismal science, that never quite seems to have the answers for economics, or never supplies software that is finished and bug free for software engineering.

> I am sad that top tier software engineering environments have lost sight of the value of simplicity.

I worked in a top tier engineering environment (not SW). The problem was the same there. They valued the complexity of the solution, not the impact it had on the business for solving the problem.

I think this is generally a problem in large companies. In a tiny company the impact is much more apparent to the bottom line. Whereas in a big company, it's hard to see how much difference your solution made in the big picture because there are plenty of other bottlenecks in the pipeline (and out of your control).

> I am sad that top tier software engineering environments have lost sight of the value of simplicity.

I agree, but a more charitable reading is that they want you to demonstrate that you can deliver a complex solution if that's the only way to get things done.

Complexity is highly subjective, of course.

Suppose I need a distributed atomic counter service. After doing a lot of research, I come to the conclusion that the best solution is to write a wrapper around something in AWS or GCP but structure things in a way that other teams can use it.

Other teams are now less likely to need to do that research and can just get stuff done.

But the actual implementation is very simple.

Is that complex?

Maybe, maybe not.

This does provide a perverse incentive to continuously reinvent the wheel, though, which is the worst part of it.

Why not re-implement the low level goodies in DynamoDB if that'll increase the odds of promotion? Many engineers think along those lines.

This is all very applicable to Google. I was at Google for 2 years and I got promoted L5 to L6. The key (I think) was working across teams with people who were already L6 or higher, and who were willing to write for my promo packet.

In terms of what I learned? I think the most important lesson was: Don't get bogged down in details that are irrelevant to you & count on others to do their jobs. I came from a small (~15 engineer) company where we all knew the entire product from top to bottom. At Google, that was impossible.

>I was at Google for 2 years and I got promoted L5 to L6.

Congrats on making the leap. It's tough.

> The key (I think) was working across teams with people who were already L6 or higher, and who were willing to write for my promo packet.

I agree; having L+1 reviewers is key. In my case I had the equivalent of a Google L7 or L8, but it didn't work out.

Having a good enough project, even though it's often out of your control, is very important.

Congrats on the promotion, did you join Google as an L5?

Also, can you share more advice on the technical side, like what do you are the abstractions, mind models and technologies that you think are applicable outside of Google and would be worthy of studying?

Yes, I joined as an L5.

The technical side was probably not terribly relevant to you. I worked mostly on the Linux kernel in C, on drivers and firmware, and never did anything in the main Google repo.

Thinking in APIs and contracts always helps reduce complex problems to slightly more tractable ones.

Anyone at Google who's being honest and not just toeing the HR line will tell you that the easiest way to get promoted is to quit, go to another FAANG for a year or two, and come back at the higher level.

I feel the exact same thing about the promotion process from investment banking industries to the big tech firm where I am working now. Normally, you are expected to perform higher than the current level and at least make the contribution at the next level to be promoted. Worst, I feel like to get promoted, I would need to be assigned to work on a high visible project affecting cross teams/organizations like you mentioned. Sometimes, it seems like waiting for the stars to align in eternity.

L7 at Google here (joined as L3 right out of university).

Having feedback from L+1 or +2 peers is very important, otherwise it can be very hard for the committee to judge performance.

Actually "leading" a project less so - often a single "project" can be viewed as multiple components / projects for promo purposes, what counts (depending on level) is initiative, leadership, and technical contributions. It's not necessary to be the formal lead of a big project for this purpose, but rather for your senior peers to attest how well you did in those areas and how it helped the project launch X months faster, improved QPS by X or whatever metric.

As pointed out in other comments, it can be hard for the committee to see impact, so the more hard evidence you have (before/after resource usage, bugs fixed, etc) the better. Same for improving the codebase, document and show the evidence!

Alternatively, one can negotiate the desired level/salary when starting a job so you can ignore the politics at least for several years, right? Or is it as well easy to be demoted (without politics)?

At the big tech companies, you don't really get to negotiate your level.

For L6, for example, you might be able to convince the recruiter to set up the right interview process, but your level is 100% tied to your interview performance.

Salary is a different story--negotiate, always, but be aware level and salary are related.

And at the end of that cycle job hop to get promoted and begin another round.

> Don't be me.

If I ever find myself working at a FAANG, I do hope that instead of pursuing promotion, I'll stick to stuff that matters to me as an engineer.

While having a FAANG on my resume matters too, I'd much rather use that time to develop my technical skills than to improve my PR skills. In my experience (at a medium sized company with 200+ engineers) these two goals often conflict.

What is a "promotion committee"? By saying promotion, are you talking about transitioning from "engineer level 1" to "engineer level 2" kind of thing?

I wonder if your advice can be applied in non-google setting? For example, in some general enterprise company.

What does "promoted" look like for an software engineer at large tech companies? In my company you're either an individual contributor or tech lead. There aren't really any other rungs on the ladder without going to manager.

At Google there’s an IC ladder from level 3 (new grads) to 11 (Jeff and Sanjay). Basically it’s a pay scale. Half of engineers are below 5, and 90% are below 6.

Edit: pretty sure I was off by one originally. But you get the idea: it’s a triangular organization with a lot of people at the base.

For pay ranges check out some charts we’ve compiled at http://levels.fyi/charts.html

I decided to focus on power engineering instead of software in the mid 2000s since I thought a lot of software jobs would be offshored. Big mistake in terms of compensation!!

Ah, okay. Pay scale, got it. Yea we have similar. Just no actual titles.

It's not just about pay, it's also about scope and expectations.

Sort of. I didn’t mention it because level doesn’t really limit your scope. If you have a way to make a big impact nobody is going to tell you to not do it because you’re too junior. It’s just that the higher levels are expected to operate at company-wide scope all the time.

You can hide your level such that other people don’t see it, which is another difference between Google and my current company where people introduce each other by their titles, which makes me want to quit every time. Nobody at Google has ever said “And now I’d like to turn the meeting over to Principal Engineer Jane Doe”. Most people don’t mention it.

I've heard the phrase "well, a T7 said otherwise, who am I to argue" and similar from people.

It’s up to each individual to make the most of an environment where the utterances of senior engineers are just advice. You don’t need their permission.

Of course not, I'm just saying it _is_ part of the current culture to assign hierarchy to levels, probably more so with younger/more junior people. Hierarchy tends to look flat looking down.

Which sucks. Having a technical ladder is important to retain talent and ensure that you maximize the skills your talent pool has.

Pure engineering skills (even the thought leadership aspect of it) doesn't directly translate in management skills and often people get "rewarded" by promoting them to a position where they can no longer use the very skills they have been promoted for.

Related concept / good read: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle

The engineering ladder doesn't ever become a management ladder. You can transfer, but you don't have to.

I was referring to those companies where the only opportunity to e.g. make more money was to go to management.

It's very common to have a range of titles like: engineer, senior engineer, principal engineer, senior principal engineer, technical director.

This obviously goes hand in hand with higher pay and increased role and input. In general you might lead others from principal engineer upwards.

Check out levels.fyi to get an idea per company. At Google, we have "standardized" levels starting at L3 to L10, each with their own compensation range. Google allows you to climb this ladder while remaining an IC. Going to manager has a different progression and it's not an expectation.

How easy is it to transition into a manager if you're an IC?

It's easy to transfer to transition to the manager ladder by becoming a TLM (Tech Lead Manager) once you are L5 or higher.

Other than having “Google” on my resume there is nothing special or applicable outside of Google. Most tools are internal, isolated and the choices are restrictive. Management is shitty - micro-management is in full bloom, display lack of management knowledge, skills and there’s plenty of abuse of power. They don’t show their appreciation to what we do. All developers are very competitive. My entire time of over a year in 2 different teams is spent in isolation and self learning without much help or directions. I’m currently actively interviewing outside.

As someone who has worked at multiple companies, currently at Google, you don't tend to leave a company, you leave a manager. Managers are one of your primary interfaces to a company. If those managers are crap, you will have a bad experience.

It's bigger than that IMO. I can switch managers at a big company. But if the entire division is inept, it's time to jump companies because it's a tell that the culture is decaying.

For me, the only reason I will never go back to GOOG is blind allocation. IMO that's a bug, not a feature.

What is blind allocation and why is it bad?

I'm guessing here, but I think this is referring to when a new hire cannot choose the team he or she is joining.

Google et al often do general hiring. This means that they hire you and then later decide where to assign you afterwards.

I had thought at Google hiring managers could bid on you and some kind of choice could be made. But maybe that's only in big enough offices with good enough resumes.

It's bad because you don't know which team you're joining and the quality of the manager. It's good because it lets the company assign you to the most important areas first.

Contrast this with a normal process where the hiring manager for the team you're joining is in the interview loop. You know ahead of time which team you're joining.

I don't think this happens at Google anymore. I knew what team I was joining, and spoke with the manager, before signing my offer. I've been asked to do phone calls/lunches with prospective new hires to sell them on our team. Everyone who started on the team after me told me they spoke with multiple teams before signing on.

My experience was that while you might get to talk to your manager before accepting, you don't get to interview with the team you will be working on.

That hugely slants the purpose of the interview toward Google, as the candidate really has no idea who they will be working with, or how they think. The interview should go both ways and provide information to both sides on if it's a good fit, but at Google, they go only one way.

This might be a small point for most, but for minority candidates, knowing who you will be working with and having confidence they won't actively cause you grief is a big sticking point. At least it was for me (I turned them down).

> you don't get to interview with the team you will be working on.

That's why I mentioned that I've been asked to do lunch or a phone call with prospective hires. I'm not a manager, just a grunt, and these candidates wanted to speak with people from the team.

What’s blind allocation?

I don’t really agree with this, most of my decisions regarding moving companies have been motivated primarily by money/tech/location rather than my manager. And I assume it’s similar for many others. Plenty of people leave google to work at places with similarly good perks but better pay even if they have no issues with their manager

How can you have micro-management and isolation?

They ignore you for weeks, then complain about every line of code and solution you've produced and tell you how you should have done it. Repeat every month or two until crazy.

Complaining at the end is a different problem that gets solved during the requirements phase. They are not micro-managing your day but the end results against expectations.

Maybe the micro-management is not micro-managing what you think they should be micro-managing?

I mean, thats the problem with vertical schemes and bureocracy.. the guy who is micro-managing is also micro-managed by some sort of results that actually ends not being very pragmatic, end give him good points in this blind objective system who ranks him and the people he manage according to some parameters that in the end they 'game' to look good.

They manager just blindly follows the policies, like a dumb decoupled code. He's as guilty as his superior and the entire system.

Thats the problem with people beeing forced to game ranking systems in order to advance starting from their childhood.

Of course we want to fight the impermanence, but we should not create a bubble to feel safe inside of it as a virtual environment with rules that doesnt change, just because we miss the peace in the maternal woomb.

The impermanence and uncertainty is a reality, we should not fight in order to avoid it by being alienated of its nature, but to use our science, math and tools after all to understand it, and to navigate better through it.

The XXI century requires a deep change in our philosophical disposition and culture.

Its not just about Google, the corporate culture of Google is a side effect of our culture as anything else that grows inside of it.

But the rigid schemes are a clear sign that it will stop innovating more and more with time as the old startup status-quo defying spirit is completely gone.

micro-management dictated by the company with their policies and promoting to management those who lack basic management skills. Isolation is based on the culture of competitiveness, self-centered goals, ignorance and, again, lack of necessary management skills in understanding by removing blockers, offering help... etc

This sounds like a really bad experience. Another completely different team and manager may be a day and night difference. For example there are many Google projects that work directly in open-source being led by folks that are the top of the given field, so worth checking out.

But yea, things are not always rosy and maybe Google indeed isn't the right fit.

What do you think are the best abstractions, mind models and technologies you learned at Google? I read somewhere about SSTables and several other topics related to writing distributed systems, can you share your take on this?

You can easily switch teams.

Being a TVC (contractor) this option is close to impossible, as I would need to go through a typical 5+ rounds of interview process - the same as for outsiders. This is a different discussion, however, and this process is completely broken, unfair, discouraging and illogical even for Google. My main point in answering the question was around restrictions to, mainly, house-brewed tech stack and overall attitude of other developers I had a chance to work with.

Sorry the TVC experience is nowhere close to the full Googler experience.

We’re you a TVC or a full time employee?

I'm still a TVC. This could be a separate discussion on the scope of how TVCs are treated and it could complement all the recent articles in the media, however, my main focus was on something common, such as tech stack, restrictions and constrictions that will impact you when you go out and work somewhere else.

TVCs get many of the same perks full time Googlers do. You can always interview if you want to be a full time.

I spent 9 years at Google, just left at the end of July.

The biggest thing I grew to appreciate was that for iterating large scale production systems, rollout plans are as important as anything else. A very large change may be cost or risk prohibitive to release at once, but with thought you can subdivide the release into easier to rollout and verify subcomponents, you can usually perform the same work as a series of lower risk well understood rollouts. That's critical enough where it's worth planning for this from the design phases: much as how you may write software differently to allow for good unit tests, you may want to develop systems differently to allow for good release strategies.

Google is a large company, and I think there are software engineers learning very different things from what I focused on. I worked on large scale machine learning in ads; someone working on chrome or Android likely learned very different things.

(Hi Danny!)

Yeah Google has a lot to teach about building and maintaining reliable systems.

I noticed that a lot of that, including the name SRE, gets cargo-culted by other companies without really understanding what it is.

I also guess that there might be people within Google that don't end up working in projects that invest in reliability (for whatever reason) and so might have had different experience.

8 years; what I've learned -- working in absolutely huge code bases, good C++ style, good code review culture, intellectual humility.

What I haven't learned: how to thrive in a huge organization with people more bureaucratically ambitious/motivated than you. How to turn a blind eye to broken waterfall method dysfunction. Starting to get to me. Probably looking for the door soon; p.s. entertaining offers for remote (Canada) work.

> entertaining offers for remote (Canada) work.

want to add an email or something to your HN profile :-)

Is it not visible? It's there. Don't see an option to make it public.

put it in the about field. The email field is just for HN systems and staff to e-mail you.

we can't see it. add something to your "about" section which is empty right now

Here is @cmrdporcupine GitHub [1] if anyone wants to hire him.

You’ll find his LinkedIn profile searching his name online.

[1] https://github.com/rdaum

Everybody comments about how there are all these amazing tools that help your productivity (which is true), but they don't talk about how the opposing force of organizational complexity ultimately results in "just normal" levels of productivity.

They don't cancel each other out exactly though, so some things are way easier (spinning up a huge computation), while some things are way harder (making a small change to shared components).

Absolutely disagree, to the maximum possible extent. My entire job at Google was to find and fix inefficiency in other people’s projects. I didn’t own any projects! But I submitted changes to foreign code daily and I rarely got any kind of pushback.

Working on shared code is so easy at Google because they have a fantastic cross-referenced code browser and search engine, ways to inspect production jobs and configs that anyone can access, and everything is open and visible.

By contrast the other large publicly-traded cloud company where I now work has the opposite culture: no code search worth using, “why are you touching my project?” culture, not enough tests to give anyone confidence in a change. The polar opposite of Google.

Hmm, I think you interpreted my comment about "making a small change to shared components" differently than I meant it.

I am guessing that your changes did not change the semantic behavior of other people's code. e.g. you were replacing one hash-map implementation with a more efficient one. That's something where obviously Google's tools do cancel out the inherent inefficiency of large organizations/code bases.

My point was that Google has the level of efficiency of a small organization, despite being a large organization. That the default for big organizations is to "just suck" as you described, makes this remarkable, but I never felt like this resulted in a superhuman level of productivity that you might expect considering how advanced the tools are.

>My entire job at Google was to find and fix inefficiency in other people’s projects.

I believe when he said "organizational efficiency" he was not referring to technical inefficiencies, but rather chain of command, how organizations are structured, etc.

Not at Google, but that is the case in my company as well. In most of the company, doing extremely great technical work is not going to get you far.

I thought the monorepo setup made cross-project dependency changes easy?

Well, it depends. If you have an API with only a few direct usages, you might do it in a single commit. Changing API's that have many usages is difficult to do atomically even if you have a monorepo, due to the difficulty of getting approvals and the risk you'll have to roll it back.

Often it's better to introduce a new function and migrate usages to it across multiple commits.

Either way, it's on you to fix everyone else's code, which is a different mindset from releasing a library and letting downstream users do the migration themselves when they feel like it.

In Chrome, more often than not it happens in one big commit.

That's a single project (though a large one). I'm thinking of lower layers where there are many downstream projects.

Not a googler, but at my company this has not been the case. We use several programming languages and some of the people driven choices (rather than technical necessities) have lead to all the languages being twisted into an odd hybrid of the dependency management style of each other. Things are very complicated to manage and some teams are trying to leave their current and best known language for a language with internal champions/leaders that are louder, more opinionated, and better positioned politically. A lot of this is due to a lack of wide familiarity with intermediate git skills and a fear of learning the tool. So many of our solutions to this problem are to automate things under the rug, which is why every language ends up being handled generically using medium grade internal tooling instead of best of class industry standard tooling. Most of these issues can be boiled down to an avoidance of pain rather than a championing of the best technical choice.

Ultimately no decrease in dependencies have been made. Projects are barely bundled together any more than before. The only thing that’s made that possible has been Docker and Docker Compose, and our monorepo strategy makes it more difficult to build images due to its size and our topical file systen layout making it almost impossible to check out only the parts of the repo you need.

The monorepo itself may be a good idea but it’s no silver bullet. I’d say it’s one of the worst choices we’ve made due to the cultural impact it’s had. In our case I think we’d be better off with small monolithic repos due to a lack of proper training around how to manage either many small repos or a large monorepo.

Not at all. Monorepo is merely a detail around VCS and it does not remove complexity and the need for versioning.

Yes, and because you can atomically update an internally breaking API change across all consumer projects in the same commit as the change itself, the monorepo setup is touted as reducing complexity where this change would otherwise be non-atomic across many repos.


I've been at Google for 1.5 years and before that startups. I've learned a lot about working at a large company (getting adjacent teams on board with my ideas, writing compelling design docs, etc). I haven't observed any changes in the quality of my code or ideas.

* Always be learning and doing. Never be stagnant. Even if you are in a very boring team you can still learn and supplement your skills / knowledge on the side. This may or may not help immediately but definitely helps long term.

* Really practice open/active listening and critical thinking: there are very smart people and it's really good to assume good intent when they talk. Critical thinking and question is more around 'where is the disconnect? How do I try and actively move towards and see their point of view'.

* Questioning authority and being able to say no.

* Don't use code reviews as a debate forum but instead as a learning forum. Granted time is of essence, so a timely resolution may be necessary but learning and actively listening through reviews helps your skills as a coder.

* Cut through heirarchy and organizational politics to achieve the larger goals for the team, the project and ultimately for Google.

The most important thing I learned there was that you hire and promote people not so management can tell them what to do, but so they can tell management what to do. I didn’t even realize it at the time but the first post-Google job I had there was some clueless manager trying to set the roadmap and I was like “LOL what is this guy’s problem?” That when I started noticing the reasons that Google succeeds.

A friend who spent a short time there said "you know that tool that you want to build before you start working on your real job? At G, it already exists"

This is less true now because a lot of their tooling has been exported either directly or by rumors leading to it getting rebuilt outside. I'm talking containerization / orchestration and protobufs specifically.

> At G, it already exists

quality of the tool has also significant impact on the end result. Looking at the number of unsuccessful external projects, I bet they also have enough mess inside.

Right search , maps , YouTube all run smoothly because of a "mess". Google code is some of the cleanest most organized I've seen.

Not Google but similar. I learned that my motivation is proportional to the quality and amount of free food I receive. This includes willingness to participate in pointless meetings.

Note: this is not something I'm particularly proud of or anything. Just an observation.

We are sophisticated monkeys after all.

The food isn't truly free.

I mean, nothing is truly free, but I'm not the one paying for it in this situation, so for me it is free.

1) All big companies inevitably devolve into Dilbert, no matter how cool they seem from the outside

2) Humans are easily fooled by signaling and vanity metrics, exploit this quirk

3) Depends on the team, but in general working at a big company is 10X easier and more relaxing than working at a startup. You’ll probably never go back to working at a small company after realizing this.

4) Buddying up to the right people will dramatically alter your experience in a big company—meritocracy can never exist when human emotions are involved

5) the difficulty of the interview process is just plain bizarre given how simple the daily jobs of 95% of the engineers are

6) you will have the nagging feeling a high school kid could do most of the (non engineering) jobs in the company with a few months of on the job training

7) due to 5 and 6, unless you are a sociopath, you will feel guilty on a daily basis for building generational wealth while an immigrant contractor struggling to get by dishes out your free food

8) you will learn that at most big companies, the innovation is in the past

9) on the bright side, google does have really cool internal tools and perks

10) after leaving, people will grossly overestimate your intelligence and skill level due to the name google being on your resume (see #2)

Big organizational problems can't be fixed by writing better code. Meritocracy sounds nice but you have to learn to play office politics. New products and new features should have a business case (yes, even at Google) so that eventually they can stand and be valued.

Perhaps nice to mention here: "Talks at Google"


Not restricted to just software engineering, though.

I think Talks at Google is mostly not about Google?

For the engineering side: https://www.youtube.com/user/GoogleDevelopers

Even really smart people sometimes write really dumb code. Including you. :)

At Google for 9 years, startup before that. Roughly half my time at Google I worked on individual products, and the other half on open source infrastructure (common libraries, compilers, linters, IDE plugins, etc).

The biggest thing I've learned is how software changes over time. Previously I thought of a good program as like a crystal. Write it correctly the first time, and it doesn't need to change much, if at all. Sure you might want to add features or fix bugs, but otherwise you write it once and it's good forever, right?

Most programs are closer to organisms than crystals. They're adapted to specific niche, and when the world changes around them they need to either adapt or die. This is the biggest gap I notice between senior devs and strong junior devs. Junior devs have mostly built things, released them or turned them in for credit, and then moved on. It's rare to find a junior dev that has maintained an app for the long haul, and it accounts for so much of the advice that I found strange when I was junior:

* code is read many more times than it is written

* be very mindful of your dependencies, if push comes to shove you could end up owning them

* commenting why is often more important than commenting how. it's good to comment about both, but it's much more important to comment why. the source code explains how, but it has nothing about why

* it's ok to love your code, but delete it the first chance you get. it will save you and the people around you a lot of time

Do you think I'm overselling things? Maybe that's a problem for people who write code in $cursed_language on $bad_platform but your tools favor writing True and Long Lasting Solutions That Stand the Test of Time!

Let me give a handful of real world examples:

* A major security vulnerability is found in an API that previously seemed safe. Refactor your code not to use it.

* Turning on a certain compiler optimization breaks a pattern common in your code. After some experimentation, you discover an ugly fix that you then need to apply to everywhere in the code that uses that pattern.

* A compiler/browser/hardware update adds support for a feature that your code has been using a bunch of ugly workarounds to cope without. Do you use the new feature? Do you still support running without the feature? Is it a breaking change to users downstream of your code? How much does it improve things, how hard will it be for your users to update, and how many users do you have?

* You need to migrate to the new version of one of your dependencies. Maybe this is just a version bump, maybe you end up needing to review every single line of your app.

* Your app for phones and desktops is working great! We want to run it on TVs as well! This means a brand new (and super weird) matrix of features that are and aren't supported, from hardware to OS to UI.

In short, the only constant is change. Write your code so that you can go away for six months and forget just about everything about it and still be able to maintain it. Lots of tests, document why decisions were made, and it's like Bruce Lee said, be like water.

I like your organism explanation. This is something I've learned over the past decade, albeit not at any company at the level of Google.

The way I've often describe software to clients is likening it to Formula 1 cars. With a normal car, you turn the key and drive, and it should definitely work for anyone. With a Formula 1 car, the tyres need to be warm, the driver needs to be experienced, and there are so many reasons why a working car can stall that careful monitoring, maintenance, and revision needs to be done long-term by an experienced team.

Sure, the software on your computer might run like the former, but in the background that huge pit stop team has been plugging away for years, and will continue to plug away with optimisations and fixes.

I've not worked for Google (though have had a few opportunities) and you're on the money.

It's such an uphill battle to instill these values in young organizations when leadership has no strong engineering background.

You should replace Google with "big tech company" or FAANG to get more responses.

FAANG don't share the same engineering culture.

I agree that there are cultural differences, but culture definitely varies from team to team in any large tech company. I think a job at any of the big tech companies is interchangeable. I hear stories about learning from code reviews, maintaining build systems, and building out new cross team products at all of the big tech firms, I don’t think the lessons learned at google are particularly special.

Yes they do. In all these places except Amazon, the engineering culture is essentially identical. I’ve worked at 2 FAANG companies and a few startups that had a big influx of ex-Google engineers. In fact it’s a whole process that startups go through to copy Google: monorepo + misguided in-house tooling for it, homebrewed canary deployment strategies, naming things “mon” like “altermon” or “datamon”, etc.

It’s a very miserable monoculture.

I assume the two FAANG you are referring to are the F and G. The rest of the letters aren’t like that. At least no monorepo.

Or "mons".

The engineering culture among FAANG companies is pretty much the same because of the industry that they operating in and the location of the HQ. Expand that to military or automotive, aerospace, in non-US companies and you might start seeing different engineering cultures.

Engineering culture at Google is vastly different than Amazon. Even Facebook which is more product oriented and iterates faster than focusing on the "right engineering design" first.

> Engineering culture at Google is vastly different than Amazon

How so?

FB and Google engineering is basically identical in culture.

Yes because lots of Google left to join FB. And yet, I've heard everyone say in terms of pure engineering and tooling Google is far ahead. That's still F&G though not AAN.

Google showed me the fine engineering at large scale. And the key is the people as they are behind everything.

That’s why I changed my view on who was the key person for google success. I used to believe Larry and Sergei, then urs, now I put on Laszlo Bock.

Can you share more details? What advice would you give to people to engineer things at scale?

I wrote a partially finished article: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wylnn8qHD4clDyrEIhYyP1F...

It's not even touching the techniques and approaches yet. I was too lazy.

Here a summary of my understanding: * Relentlessly hire the best, train them and give space for them to grow and shine. This is the basis. It's not that a less quality engineer cannot grow, it's just too costly to do that at large scale. * Build the infrastructure to support large scale engineering. The best example is the idea of "warehouse scale computer" that is the data center, embodied in systems like Borg Spanner etc. * Relentless consistency at global scale. Example would be the Google C++ style guide. It's opinionated at its time, but is crucial to ensure a large C++ code base to grow to big size. * Engineering oriented front line management. L6-L8 managers are mostly engineering focused. That's necessary. * Give the super star the super star treatment. Google's engineers are rewarded as strategic asset of the company. Numerous example are made public.

Interesting, thanks for sharing. Any plans for extending the document?

I am having a hard time to find the mechanism for motivating myself. But if you think it's interesting, that is a good signal that I should finish it.

You can keep the link, in case it's updated in the future.

they are ok at it, far from great. netflix is a good example of engineering at scale.

Well, I do not meant to be complacent, but I am pretty sure that anyone think Google are not the best at its scale, probably have only a superficial understanding of the Google engineering machine's reach and influence.

Google started distributed systems at scaled. There's a reason those systems work even today.

honorable mention: Guidooo!

Really? One thing I learned at Google is that even having Guido on staff can’t make Python work.

Elaborate, please?

Python just doesn’t scale. Th language isn’t typed enough to be safe in a large program. Eventually you will iterate over a string or access an attribute of None. And the runtime is too slow. SRE at Google years ago banned new projects in python because the incredible slowness of the tools was extending the time to repair outages.

decades of working for big companies on projects budgeted at billions. Sometimes as part of large teams, other times a three man operation!!! seen it all. Big companies taught me to be a politician and that skills alone were not enough. You'd need to make a strong relationship with everyone and I mean everyone. Insane working hours, a few projects had expectation of 24/7 and had I refused, they'd politely replace me with another without notice. Lots of talented people to do the work under that condition. Had enough of it, not like they paid me millions and when I complained, they'd say "make your own company and do it as you like it to be". Every big company I've been to had that sort of culture. As for small companies, there isn't much to the future. Lots of work to be done for free, always welcome to work for free. Finally here I am, looking for a remote job of sorts that'd allow me to travel without having to be online all day. At least I can enjoy programming and travel.

Code search is a game changer.

If you want to hint of what code search looks like a Google check out code search for chromium.


What is internal is more featureful. And it covers the entire code base.

I'm confused. Is this AST search? How is it otherwise different from Github search or the internal code search my company uses?

Contract Python / JS engineer, working on the largest GAE app (internal, but 2400% RoI so well regarded). - GAE was missing basic functionality that we (as their biggest customer) couldn't get them to work on. The engineer in charge of GAE had other tasks and didn't care for this role. We ended up doing this work ourselves and I'm relatively sure this is now inside the App Engine SDK.

- Delivery was incredibly badly managed, I have to shut one one eye when I sneeze due to sinus damage caused by working when ill on a project with global visibility and no cover.

- 'Decisions based on data' isn't a thing: if you want an outcome, you research to that outcome or don't depending on how you feel.

As others have said having Google on your resume is great.

Contract Python / JS engineer, working on the largest GAE app (internal, but 2400% RoI so well regarded).

- GAE was missing basic functionality that we (as their biggest customer) couldn't get them to work on. The engineer in charge of GAE had other tasks and didn't care for this role. We ended up doing this work ourselves and I'm relatively sure this is now inside the App Engine SDK.

- Delivery was incredibly badly managed, I have to shut one one eye when I sneeze due to sinus damage caused by working when ill on a project with global visibility and no cover.

- 'Decisions based on data' isn't a thing: if you want an outcome, you research to that outcome or don't depending on how you feel.

As others have said having Google on your resume is great.

I've been at Google for almost 4 years, mostly working at startups before that. First and foremost, there's nothing special about Google (compared to any other tech company) and it's best not to evangelize any one company. Learning comes from experience, which means trying things (even if you end up making mistakes) and figuring out the shortcomings of a particular solution. I've seen a lot of bad (and a lot of good) code at Google.

What I learned, design-wise, came from a coworker. They planned everything out in advance and would draw out components on a whiteboard and define what they'd do. A few weeks would pass before they'd write any code. In contrast, I would start with writing skeleton classes and intuit the breakpoints for building a new class. We ended up with similar code structure at the end of the day, since we were both designing the architecture (even if our methods were different). But in code reviews, I would focus on if the new code made sense within the scope of the change; are there any clear bugs, code duplication, is there a more simple approach, etc. My coworker always went back to the whiteboard and drew up the components again, making sure the new code fit within the originally defined scope or if a larger change would make more sense. Because my skeleton classes were quickly replaced with implementations, I lost my original frame of reference and only focused on what was in front of me. I could still tell when something was obviously wrong (stop sending me CLs with global state to cross talk between components!), but there was creep in the CLs I approved and the code would slowly get more complicated until I realized it needed to be refactored.

There's a tradeoff (like in anything). You can't design your own solution for every code review, as it takes too much time and removes autonomy from your peers. But remembering to step back and look at the big picture was something I needed.

There were other things I learned, like structuring code in ways that it's hard to write bugs. For example, you could write a method like...

  void foo(Callback callback) {
    if (error1) {
    if (error2) {
    if (error3) {

but it's easy to forget to call 'callback.onError()' in a future CL. A small refactor, like...

  void foo(Callback callback) {
    if (bar()) {
    } else {

  boolean bar() {
    if (error1) {
      return false;
    if (error2) {
      return false;
    if (error3) {
      return false;

    return true;
has the compiler help you catch mistakes. Unit tests obviously help too, but doing both reduces the number of bugs that slip through. Similar tricks include annotating methods as @Nullable so you don't forget to nullcheck, annotating which thread is calling a method (eg. @FooManagerThread, @UiThread, etc), and doing all the if checks as close to the top of a method as possible so that you only do work if you're in a good state.

Oh, and here's one last tip that I only realized needs to be reiterated because most of my coworkers forget it. Validate incoming data! Every API needs a wrapper around the entry point that...

  * Verifies the caller is allowed to call that method
  * Verifies the method can be called at this point in time (eg. hackerNewsApi.postComment(threadId, msg) only works if the threadId is valid)
  * Verifies that the arguments make sense (eg. 'msg' is not empty/null/above the max comment size).
And this is needed at every layer (application, server, etc). Trust no one, even if the only caller is supposed to be yourself.

Glossary: CL = changelist ~= pull request

Regarding API inputs here is what my manager said that's stuck with me. Imagine your API entry points as the surface of the ocean, you've got to keep the garbage out. From then on all internal functions can make reasonable assumptions about the inputs they're getting.

Choosing the right language also helps reduce errors. There are languages with no nulls and no runtime errors.

Not sanctioned for general use at google tho :D

All big tech companies are approximately the same, since people job hop a lot and these places have tens of thousands of engineers, it’s basically the same people at all of them anyway. I am not sure why people have these starry eyes views of them

No it's not. Microsoft is way different from Google.

Having worked at both I can say it’s not that different. But I had a great team at Microsoft

I had great teams at both but the bar was consistent across Google unlike Microsoft. And 9/10 engineers will accept offers at Google over Microsoft given both.

Oh I totally agree, I guess for me when I think of “work” I don’t really think too much about other people’s engineering ability. It makes a difference but less of one than most people think.

My quality of code has been immensely helped by code reviews by senior people. My team also has a good culture of getting feedback on design. I've learnt a lot on designing with security on mind - sandboxes, SELinux etc. I had no clue about them before I joined.

Design docs and comments by great engineers like Jeff Dean are openly accessible. Treasure cove of knowledge that I try to dip into everyday.

I think I'm a good engineer, but I don't think I have the intelligence to get into google. Most people can't. There's definitely some sort of difference between an engineer who can get in google and one who can't as displayed by the interview.

Most companies that interview people outside of FAANG tend to have easier interview questions in my experience. Some even forego algorithms all together.

For googlers who worked at companies outside of FAANG or startups. Is there a noticeable difference when working these people? Will you learn more from a google level engineer then you will from someone who can't pass the google interview? What are your thoughts about it?

If you think that FAANG engineers are genuinely better, say it. There's no need to be politically correct here, honesty is appreciated.

I’m not sure why many people seem to think this, there are like tens of thousands of engineers at google, and there are other good companies out there that also have tons of engineers, you don’t need to be that special to get a job at google. As long as you can get your first interview all you need to do is be able to solve data structures and algorithms problems and talk about software design. Let’s not put google on a pedestal

I will say, those problems do filter out a lot of bad people. But it only ensures a minimum level of competence. It doesn’t mean everybody is insanely smart.

The interviews at google are hard enough such that only a fraction of software engineers can make it through.

Thus by statistics and logic, the majority of the worlds engineers cannot get past the google interview. This is not something I am thinking, this is a statistical reality.

Literally, in order for those engineers to work anywhere else the algorithm questions must be significantly easier in other companies outside of the elite FAANG. This is inline with logic and my observations.

My question is... for googlers who have spent time outside of google at a more scrapy startup. Does the interview filter actually create a better class of engineers? Do you learn much more working at google then you would at a company who's engineers typically can't get into google? What's the experience like if there is any?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not worshipping googlers or asking for tips. A real dichotomy exists in the interview stage for the few engineers who pass and the majority who don't... I'm just curious if this dichotomy becomes obvious outside of the interview... like on the job? Do you notice a difference when working with a google engineer vs. someone who probably can't ever get into google. It's a complicated question with a complicated answer. I'm not really looking for some humble answer telling me that google engineers aren't that much different from other engineers when the interview essentially disproves this statement by filtering out everyone except for a certain type of person.

I want an honest and candid answer.

Ok sure I’ll give you an honest and candid answer. It’s basically analogous to top schools. Yes the average engineer at Google is going to be better than the average engineer at some random company because google generally has a higher hiring bar. Similarly your average student at Harvard is going to be a better student than your average student at Random State University.

As a result you will on average learn more than at most other companies. Of course there are trading firms, quant hedge funds, and a few other big tech companies with even higher hiring bars where you will learn more. And some of the things you learn, anywhere, while very useful to getting stuff done at where you work, will not be readily transferable elsewhere.

But large companies as I’ve said before are basically all the same. The people you interact with are a vanishingly small subset of the entire company so it doesn’t even really make sense to speak in terms of what it’s like at the entire company.

The interviewing filter mostly does one thing which is that it biases the engineers at google to be generally good at solving data structures and algorithms. This, by the way, is a skill that can be taught — and even though it might roughly approximate engineering ability it doesn’t map directly.

Thanks for being candid, is this inline with your experience? Have you worked at a smaller company and google as well? Your logic is really sound but I'm also asking this question for the purposes of gathering anecdotal experiences as well.

Your answer is great, btw, I just noted that you used the word "average" over a personal example so I wanted to get an idea of where you're coming from.

Yeah I’ve worked at G, other big companies and smaller places. My own anecdotes roughly fit my “average” explanations.

I did both and I can tell you I became a much better engineer at Google. The "average" does make a difference.

The biggest obstacle, at least in my experience, is actually getting that interview.

In ten years of writing software, I've had a handful of emails/messages from FAANG recruiters, and they've never ended up in an actual interview. I won't name names, but I was offered an interview and we agreed a three week timeframe to prepare for the phone screen, but that screen never came.

In another 6-12 months I might be lucky enough to get an email from someone else, but unless I spend my entire life on Leetcode to prepare for an email that "might" come it's likely that I'd fail it anyway.

Let's also not pretend that these interviews are easy. If we assume that FAANG interviews are around Leetcode medium to hard level, it still takes a significant amount of ability to do well, even if you can write a Max Heap from scratch and can traverse a BST. Even if you're had time to warm up for these interviews, you can come across a hard problem that rules you out for that company.

That sucks and it’s happened to me before, I would definitely have reached out to a more general recruiting email for that company and tell them about the no show. Sorry it happened to you

I guess it depends on how well you do on leetcode already. I think most people could probably just do 1-2 leetcode problems a week for a few months to get good at it. I’ve only been asked a few interview questions ever that I thought would be leetcode hard, most are mediums with some easies thrown in. I don’t think you would ever be asked to reimplement a heap but definitely could be asked a question where you need to use one. And usually if you are asked >3 questions you can not entirely solve one and still advance

I learnt a lot about design and coding practices at Google than anywhere else I've worked.

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