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Does Google really practice what they preach though?

Just recently I was looking at Angular, Google's web frontend framework. Services, modules, directives, angular-specific markup. Coming from React, I find this grossly over-engineered.

Googler here.

In general, yes we do practice it. They are guidelines, not rules tho.

Is Angular grossly over-engineered? Depends on how you look at it.

Any code's complexity reflects the complexity of its use case and Angular, for example, needs to fit A LOT of use cases at Google. So yea, sometimes, I think it can be a big hammer for a small nail. In other cases, all that abstraction helps. I guess that's the nature of how code eventually matures over time.

> I guess that's the nature of how code eventually matures over time.

Not really. It’s a sign of too many responsibilities being given to one project. Feature bloat is a real thing.

As code matures it shouldn’t be getting more and more abstraction and APIs, it should be stabilizing with fewer changes. If the former is happening, it’s a sign it needs to be broken into multiple projects.

> If the former is happening, it’s a sign it needs to be broken into multiple projects.

Breaking something in smaller projects also has its own associated costs.

Yeah, based on my experience with android and tensorflow they fail spectacularly at it.

React does must less than Angular...

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