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Code review is a social activity and when you frame it as such it’s not so surprising that a lot of the discussion of it involves these social aspects.

I definitely agree that my experience was the same w/ regards to an almost exclusive focus on the technical aspects of programming. I only had one CS project in my senior year that involved building something with another person and even in that case it was only one other person.

I don’t think this problem is simple to solve or specific to programming. On the one hand, educators have to asses individuals so it makes sense that they’d want to isolate work to the individual. On the other hand, work after education is never (I hesitate to generalize but this seems like a safe generalization) an individual activity, and the rare dreaded group project in school is the norm afterwards.

I am not sure what the solution to this problem is. Even in a situation where you have version control and can look at each individuals contribution to the code itself, unless 100% of the discussion around that code happens in comments on a platform like github, it’s still difficult to assess things like how much the input of one individual contributes to the output of another.

In addition to this, teaching effective approaches to technical problems is easy compared to teaching effective approaches to human interactions.

> I only had one CS project in my senior year that involved building something with another person and even in that case it was only one other person.

I had many group projects in school, but they didn't set it up so that we'd review each other's code. We'd just break it up into modules, split the work accordingly, and each worked on a different part.

A more fundamental limitation of school projects is that they have by definition a limited lifespan, so that the notion of code debt, the importance of ensuring that code be readable by current and future colleagues, etc. are irrelevant - in all the projects I've done in school, even group ones, I was the only one reading my own code and it would never be run after class finished. In such a situation, "improve overall code health" makes no sense. You write only what you need to pass the class, which is usually some kind of demo feature.

Maybe making contributions to well-established open source projects should be encouraged as part of the curriculum, at least to experience the receiving end of it...

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