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Ask HN: Highest quality resources about anything?
16 points by bry_lnd on Sept 4, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
What is just the outright best material out there on any topic? The most effective, straight-to-the-point material where anyone can dig in and learn something quick. Or it's just high-quality content that you can't miss if it is in your field of interest. e.g.

HTML+CSS : https://internetingishard.com/html-and-css/

Stats + R : ISLR (introduction to statistical learning with R)

Biology : Albert's The Cell

I just came across https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/, which has a lot of cool resources including introductory courses for many programming languages

Seem to have high search engine rankings and is relatively recent. Trying to relearn C has been a pain because a lot of material was either too basic (i.e. teaches programming basics more than it does C) or not very detailed, but that site has helped me with a few concepts.

I like designing data intensive applications by Kleppmann

It’s more of a reference but I’ve used https://learnxinyminutes.com/ many many times for picking up new languages when needed.

It cuts straight to the point, much simpler than wordy tutorials.

Compare to https://acloud.guru ??

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