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Do you actually listen to one unique album on repeat all day every day? You ever have a month where you listen to one record, or one record's worth of tracks every day? Now you pay $10... Or play it on random to have background noise and effectively pay nothing for a month. Or, more likely, play random to have music going all the time and pay effectively nothing, put tracks you like on a playlist, and then eventually buy all the songs on that playlist over time as you listen to that playlist. It will probably cost more, but not much more, and the distribution to the artists is more likely to be ethical.

This actually seems a lot more likely to be sustainable than the current model, which just grinds all but a few dozen artist's bones to dust until they quit music and get real jobs.

If this results in musicians being able to make a living, I love it. If not, at least it's trying. Pandora paying out $2700 for 40 million plays is bullshit. I don't mind paying for something that affects my life as positively as music does. I hope this works or leads to something that works.

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