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As an OCaml person, what are your thoughts on Reason?

I personally don't use Reason. It's syntax is supposed to be more familiar for people coming from JavaScript, but for me, it's weird. My least favorite aspect is the function syntax (both lambdas and function application). Are functions still curried, or...? If they are, then the syntax should reflect that.

As for BuckleScript, I wish that it had better integration with the main OCaml ecosystem. BuckleScript is supposed to work well with NPM, but I am more interested in OPAM. I personally use js_of_ocaml, a compiler to JavaScript that works well with the OCaml tooling.

If Reason and BuckleScript can bring more people to OCaml, then I'm glad. However, I perceive that the people coming to OCaml with BuckleScript seem to be making libraries based around the NPM ecosystem. I feel worried that a separate OCaml ecosystem will come into existence. However, I have not observed any other OCamller voice these thoughts, so I'm probably alone or misinformed here. I'm not too knowledgeable about the JavaScript trends.

Your comment refers to me as an "OCaml person." Please know that these opinions are my own and do not in any way represent the collective OCaml community's opinion on Reason and BuckleScript.

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