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Let me ask you a question if I may: I have a server app I’m running on k8s, it’s stateful and external users connect to it (over grpc). Users connect to a specific server which is identified by ID, this is important and can’t be easily rearchitected. I also expose an API to spin up servers for new ids which users can then connect to. At present I’m doing this by having my “controller” api (which is just an app running in a pod which exposes a rest api then makes calls to the k8s api) create a new deployment+service per server and then add an ingress for that service. I’ve been considering taking the k8s functionality from my controller and putting it in a new CRD + controller. Is there a better way to do this? I feel like I’m fighting the system somewhat with my current approach and yet I don’t see a simple answer using vanilla k8s primitives. I feel like what I want is scalable statefulsets that automatically create an service+ingress to each pod created but nothing seems to offer that. My use-case seems simple and common, so how is everyone else solving this problem.

You may want to look into operators. It seems to address your requirements nicely.

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