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SOAP: The 'S' stands for simple (not really) (cat-v.org)
246 points by preek on Jan 7, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 88 comments

This is great. My (so far, only) experience with SOAP started when my boss asking me to investigate the new version of a (very big) vendor's SOAP API. Support for the old version of the API was being dropped in a few days.

It turns out that our framework has SOAP built in, so I had it suck in the WSDL and make a sample request. It was rejected with a generic error. As it turns out, our framework was generating requests that looked like this (simplified with much SOAP nonsense stripped out):

    <Authenticate xmlns="http://bigcorp.example.com/elements/global">…</Authenticate>
…and the requests in the API documentation look like this:

  <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:bigcorp="http://bigcorp.example.com/elements/global">
the difference being that our framework declares a "default namespace", while their API expected a "namespace prefix". As far as I could tell from reading the spec (always a bad sign when you're using a standard that both ends support) the difference shouldn't matter.

- - -

I went to my boss. He showed me the old code; all the requests it needs to make are hardcoded based on the docs, and substitute XML-encoded variables in the right places.

Save a few minor changes, that's the process we still use today, and it fucking works.

Something's seriously messed up if, once the XML has been parsed, their code can even tell the difference between those two constructs, much less care.

The original article is here:


I am glad to see it get more attention. It is a classic and it is really about more than SOAP. It is about the way technologies get hyped and over-sold and over-promised, and then made unusably complicated. SOAP is just the example.

It is about the way technologies get hyped and over-sold and over-promised, and then made unusably complicated.

In the excellent book "Antipatterns," I recall that this is called a "Wolf Ticket:"

Wolf Ticket is a product that claims openness and conformance to standards that have no enforceable meaning. The products are delivered with proprietary interfaces that may vary significantly from the published standard.


Wolf tickets are sold as safe choices because of their interoperability, but of course once you have anything non-trivial built upon them, you discover that the interoperability doesn't actually work and you are left locked into your vendor.

Must be ~5 years since I last used SOAP. Needless to say I hated the stuff. Complex to build, complex to use (interoperability between different stacks - java/.net/... - was like 'cross your fingers and hope for the best'), complex to debug and walk through tcpdump network packets. It's complex in every way but the name.

Of course, since that times I've alway advised against web services and so far I've succeeded in avoiding them.

I'm being asked to create webservices so other developers don't do direct database access and their stuff wont break when things change. How do you manage that?

You can't, you're being asked the impossible.

Think like this, you need to add the compulsory field of PO Number to your invoice table.

It wasn't compulsory before.

How do you not break everything?

It's impossible.

Or, even worse;

Projects can now have multiple categories. You change your code so all old requests still work, but suddenly half your systems give users the flexibility to add multiple categories and half don't.

Why's that worse? Because you suddenly have people creating projects in one system that only allows one category and then logging into another to add the extra categories because IT doesn't actually have to fix it. Total user nightmare.

And to top it all off all, and this is the actual killer, developers are having to use your never quite finished system which throws weird errors that people can't google like 'unable to add project', instead of 'violation of Foreign Key Constraint, FK_Project_User, on table Project' which tells them exactly the error.

Use standard DB access because there's a wealth of help out there, your inhouse system can't compare unless you're a big company.

Basically you've been asked to fix one of the fundamental problems of why enterprise programming is hard.

I don't buy this, you have to plan the versions of your "api" if I'm going to change a field into a required field I have to have a plan for clients who don't supply it. You skip all the business and validation logic with direct db access.

As for error codes, it doesn't seem non trivial to explain why your validation failed.

Designing an API is a skill in itself, but I think rule 1 is "Don't use SOAP"

JSON over REST seems to be flavour of the month FWIW.

"Flavour of the month" might be a bit harsh. It certainly is popular these days, so it's not wholly inappropriate. But it's worth noting JSON/REST is popular with, and largely because of, people who've learned the painful lessons of earlier messes like SOAP.

It's not (just) a hot new thing used by new faces who've never really known any other way.

I actually didn't mean to disparage JSON over REST in any way. In fact I really like it.

I only qualified the statement as technologies change quickly (only 12 months age we would probably have been talking about XML over REST) and things will no doubt change again.

JSON or XML over REST is certainly simpler and gaining popularity. The reason it isn't being broadcast on EWeek/etc is IBM, Microsoft and the rest of the tool players haven't figured out how to sell you a tool that locks you into their proprietary stack.

A key point the writer alludes to (and an IMPORTANT one) is that SOAP was hyped by tool vendors because it game them something to SELL you. There's really nothing to SELL with RESTful stuff, it just works and is inherent to the internet, therefore tool vendors aren't exactly pumped up about selling you anything.

Google's internal solution is to encode data using http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/ and then to send it between processes.

mmmm, I'd be very wary of doing this. This kinda of "data" or "infrastructure" level service often devolves into a service that can accept SQL or lands up exposing the oddities of the DB anyway. Because they are low-level they also tend to be very chatty and performance goes right out the window. They probably should be an anti-pattern.

If you image a pyramid of service types:

Business Process

Business Operation



Then you want to shoot for building "Business Operation" type services. These give you the maximum reuse in an enterprise as they encapsulate a useful atom of business functionality. They hide the complexity of an enterprise's IT systems from consumers and typically use semantics that are business not IT system specific. For example CreateOrder, CreateCustomer etc...

Component services are the other useful one. Typically used to wrap a system with web services. This eases integration and allows for aggregation of these services into Business Operation services.

For instance the CreateCustomer service above might call CreateCustomer in System A, RegisterMember in System BB and write a record into a the Users table of System C (sometimes its impossible/cheaper not to use web services).

As for as the consumer (the helpdesk app, the self service portal etc.) is concerned they just created a Customer within the business and they don't need to know anything about Systems A, B and C.

One of several great motivations for that approach is that you want the power to refactor the database later without being limited by the fact that you have seven applications from seven different divisions of the company all hooked up to a single schema design. You want to be able to moderate through a business logic layer.

Many businesses wind up in this situation by chance, and then have a very painful journey out of the casual schema they created when they were a small business into something which matches their larger business.

Unfortunately, IMO, supplying a good answer to that question is the 'northwest passage' of software development.

I've spent years at it on and off. I can create such a layer, but the solutions I've come up with are unwieldy from the perspective of the business layer programmer, which is an inadequate solution.


If I have another attempt, I'll try to create something which would look to the observer quite a lot like visual basic, but where instead of constructing a Windows forms, you're constructing a state, which consists of a set of forms and a variable store.

The datatypes for the fields would be something like this:

    Text (untyped)
    SingleSelect (conceptually like html dropdown)
    MultiSelect (like checkbox)
    ExposeObject (the object is tagged, client
         can bookmark these these objects in its
    ReferenceSocket (the socket indicates the tags it
         accepts, exposes compatible tags, connection point
         for bookmarked objects with compatible tags)
    Link (like html link)
    Action (like html submit button)
A client API then migrates this with a query language that navigates the states. An example of a dumb session that knows nothing of the app to which it's connecting, and which is rendering a UI on the fly:

    # Remote application knows nothing
    list all
    # It gets back a description of the current state, 'login'

    # Remote application logs in to session
    assert form is login
    set username wizard_2
    set password whatever
    action login
    list all
    # Remote application has control again

    # Remote application wants to know what operations are available
    assert form is portal
    list actions

    # Remote application decides it wants to go to person
    assert form is portal
    link "manage person"
    list actions

    # Remote app decides to add a person
    assert form is "manage person"
    link new
    list all
    # Shows fields and actions

    assert mode is new
    set firstname Wiz
    set lastname Ard
    set age 40
    select male from singleselect 
    action save
    # Application throws an exception with details

    # Client app
    assert mode is new
    set data_of_birth 08081971
    action save
    list form
Just as SQL is a flexible language for a relational model, this language is a flexible language for an interactive state graph. A client progrmamer who know the state mapping of the app could write tighter instructions than this.

That client app can be anything: desktop app, unit test framework, web app, direct rpc over http.

Conceptually the situation of states, objects and actions is very similar to a text adventure, but I'd been working on it for years before I realised this.

Every time the state progresses from one to the next, it keeps a copy of the previous state in memory.

This logic layer has the database underneath it. The DB is now abstracted away from the user-facing application. Major benefits of this approach:

- You can design the application with almost no concern to user interface. Then you can create a streamlined user interface later that leverages the correct business logic. You can separate the costing for both projects. That's how I came to the problem. It would revolutionise software consulting.

- You can wrap a dumb client interface around the engine. Want your entire business logic exposed to the web, securely? Or RPC? Or mobile? Or for the blind? Done, with literally zero extra effort.

- If we had a relational database that had version numbers for its internal state (think git model), you could write applications that could unwind and rewind. Takes a lot of memory, but you could store the states in a nosql database.


OK. I'll try to answer your question now with the best I know of current techniques. Things using current technology that somewhat address the question you asked:

- Filter all chat with the database through stored procedures. Problems with this: (1) non-stateful, you don't have the user's application session; (2) stored procedure languages are a pain to work with. This is the sort of solution you'll find most often in large organisations because you can hire a single known skillset (DBA) who knows both stored procedures and schemas. It's awful but it works.

- Put a HTTP layer between the database and the application. Do all interaction with the database through this. In the payload that users send in they could (1) name the action they want to do such as create person and (2) supply the arguments they should send in for that business case. Basically, here you're doing stored procedures but in language of your choice. Latency is higher than with real stored procedures.

- Have a rule that all application programmers integrate with the application using Apache Cayenne or Hibernate or something similar as an object-relational modeler, in a strongly-typed language. Insist on use of Data Access Object pattern (see Fowler) for any original entrypoint to the object graph. Now when you refactor your database, regenerate your schema, and use the static typing checking in Java to rapidly adjust your application to the changed schema. You'd need to get all client apps to do this, but it's a lot more rapid than if you've got application users using SQL.

Correction. Not that I expect anyone will ever read this now the thread is done in HN, but I like to get it right.

I sited Fowler, thinking _Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture_. I've checked and was mistaken. He does somewat similar stuff in QueryObject, but I'm thinking of a much higher-level concept.

I'll desccribe the relevant ORM patterns that I'd use. Most of my experience is with Apache Cayenne (which I strongly recommend), and some with Webobjects EOF before that.

This has been interesting to review. I haven't done serious work in either a compiled language or application development for years. It's interesting to come back at with fresh eyes.

= Entity

Your ORM will have tooling that will generate these classes for you from a tool or definition document.

There is a class per table in the schema. Each instance of Entity corresponds to a row of data in a table. Methods for foreign keys return objects for the linked class.

Your application would have classes Person, Organisation, etc.

ent.Person would have a method ((ent.Organistion) toOrganisationEntity()). end.Organistation would have a method ((List<ent.Person>) listPersonEntity()). Once you have an entity, the app can find related things via lookup.

Say you had the Organisation object, and wanted to know all the subjects that people for this company were enrolled in. You bounce through the graph. From Organisation you can get to Person, from there to JoinPersonSubject, from there to Subject.

An improvement on this is to have a separate base and application class. Your ORM generates the base class. You generate your app class and have it extend the base class. You put custom logic in the application class.

Example: Cayenne generates com.company.app.ent.base.Person. It has methods corresponding to each column in the person table. You create com.company.app.ent.Person (different package name) and have this extend the base class. You put convenience methods like ((String) getFullname()) in there.

You can then easily regenerate the base class without impacting your custom logic.

= DataAccessObject

(The summary sentence doesn't make much sense until you understand the concept, so I'll explain with example immediately afterwarss.)

Summary: You use a DataAccessObject for getting entrypoints into the graph of data held in the database.

Explanation: In Entity I described an example of bouncing around the graph. Say you had a user in an education system, and they wanted to get a list of all the organistaions associated with their office. You'd use a DAO to do this lookup.

Strangely, these patterns make a powerful coombination. You'd think that you'd need to add a bunch of extern

Your ORM probably won't generate these, but you should abstract them away into distinct classes like this rather than putting static methods in your

DAO functionality is commonly bolted into Entity classes as an afterthought using static methods. Ugly. Awful. Instead, consider DAO to be a distinct pattern, extending from an abstract base classs. The base class constructor will accept the current user as an argument. There will be a method that forms an ORM join between the current user and the

the current user you'd have common functionality such as a join between the

Unlike Entity, there is not a one-to-one mapping between data access objects and tables. You just create them as you need them. There might be an OrganisationDAO that has the query above, and some other queries in it. But then there might be a situation where you're doing a strange mega query across Organisation, Location and SalesTarget that doesn't seem to be specifically associated with any of those tables more than another. Here, you just create a new DAO.

= Session

The user's application session. In this you'll have a single instance of each DataAccessObject. That way your application can do lookups by going session().orgDao().listOrgWithAccountsAtUserOffice().

If you use MySQL, slap this bad-boy(http://code.nytimes.com/projects/dbslayer) between the app and the database.

The payload is JSON over HTTP.

Seriously? I'm actually surprised that anyone would find SOAP complex. I see it as incredibly simplistic to implement. Are you really saying you avoid web services because you don't understand SOAP? I've done them in both .NET and Java many times.

It's almost as if the vendors of such awesome technology as the .Net stack and the wonderful world of Java app servers was trying to get you to buy some brain-dead tools to manage what should be as simple http get/post

The only useful thing SOAP has done for the entire development community is to give lead developers or tech managers making hiring decisions a huge red-flag. As soon as anyone mentions SOAP with enthusiasm (instead of the disgust it deserves), you know it's 'no-hire'

I've used web services several times, but in the "serialized objects" style, and it worked.

The alternatives were either that or a custom pipe-separated format.

I'll take serialized objects over XML all day.

Prior to this discussion, I wasn't aware of JSON on REST, I guess I should catch up a bit- I live in an awful legacy-app development world, which we need to expose on a crumbling tower of VB6 and .NET apps that interact with it externally - VB6 is the "new" part btw, the old part is an old SUN technology called FORTE 4GL UDS.

Yes, seriously. Life is complex as it is and that is doubly true for programmer. If you're doubting my ability to understand the specs and various implementations, then I must disappoint you. I understand them well enough, it's just pointless to spend inordinate amounts of time to make communication between implementations work.

Have you had different SOAP stacks talking to each other?

The case of having identical SOAP implementations at either end (eg .NET 2.0 <--> .NET 2.0, Java w/ Axis 1.4 <--> Java w/ Axis 1.4) is the one scenario where SOAP works as you'd hope.

Yeah, that's really the only time it works. The problem is, for 10 years vendors have been crowing about how it enabled .net to talk to java to talk to Cobol (or whatever) and that's just plain false. I've been in multiple shops where we established it was easier to write custom wire protocols than it was to try and get the various SOAP providers to talk to each other... e.g. Like Biz-talk... what a joke... Works great as an enterprise integration tool as long as your entire enterprise is running the same version of windows... and start drinking heavily now if you happen to have mainframes or -nix machines, cause you'll waste gob's-o-cash trying to get these things all hooked together.

My worst memory of SOAP was dealing with an attachments API that required each byte in a byte array to be wrapped in an XML element.

You ended up transferring ~10x the size of the file. I suppose gzip would have helped somewhat.

My worst memory of SOAP is using it. Experienced it for the first time ever a couple of weeks ago (all I've used before now is ad-hoc JSON or XML apis, mostly JSON) and (knocks on wood) never, ever again. The article touches on a few of the things I really didn't like about it, the main one being the expectation that you will use tooling to generate code rather than the contract first, and that every time I hit a hurdle and switched to a different library, I had to start over.

That is awful, and I'd never defend that implementation, but you can compress http

(sorry if by "gzip would have helped" you meant that)


I will now share my secret SOAP API Pro Method:

Step 1: Ignore all tools which supposedly make things easier (very important)

Step 2: Find the web service API documentation

Step 3: Ctrl-C example XML request

Step 4: Ctrl-V example XML request into program, replacing appropriate parts with program variables

Step 5: Parse the response. You're on your own here... Godspeed. :)

The company I work for has to digest a handful of XML and SOAP protocols. Theoretically, they all conform to spec A or B, and/or define their own subset of that spec with an XML language definition. There should be like 3 or 4 pieces of code which would handle every format they offer.

Practically: ctrl-C, ctrl-V, and call them when it doesn't work. More often than not it's either A) incorrect documentation, or B) you hit a bug (yes, this means their sample-code doesn't work. It happens frequently). A good chunk of our request-data builders are simply string manipulators, because some of the APIs we call are nitpicky about the order of XML attributes in a tag.

I laugh when people tell me XML works better "because it's a standard".

At one time SOAP wasn't too bad, until it tried to solve a lot of complicated problems (via WS-*), and in the process made the simple problems complex. Contrast this with HTTP which is being used for ever-more complex problems yet is really no more complicated in the simple case than it was in 2000. This seems like an important principle in protocol design.

Indeed. "RESTful" is basically a name for using HTTP well, and such APIs are usable for anything from bash script to Big Vendor Library™.

I do a lot of Salesforce.com development and the use of SOAP has been the bane of my existence. They have recently introduced a new REST API that will be going GA in the spring.

"Dev: What happens if I GET the endpoint’s URL?

SG: Don’t know. Using GET is undefined.

Dev: Hrrm. And what happens if I move the service to a different endpoint? Do I get a 301 back?

SG: No. SOAP doesn’t really use HTTP response codes.

Dev: So, when you said SOAP uses HTTP, what you meant to say is SOAP tunnels over HTTP."

The beauty of REST is that it is representative of how the web works. With SOAP you're almost always limited to the use of POST methods and when I go to read another developer's code, I see their own defined nouns and verbs for resources they are sending/receiving like "getUsers", "getContacts", and "createPerson". These often are ambiguous or don't match up with the actual resource they are trying to work with.

Endpoints in REST are self documenting, you can read what it is that you're trying to do based on the endpoint and the HTTP verb (put, post, delete, et al)

Would be interested in hearing more about your salesforce.com development. Can you email me at the address in my profile?

From which language, out of curiosity?

Predominantly PHP and Ruby.

I feel a bit sad for all those people who worked on SOAP. I assume most of them simply wanted to make the web better and now we all point and laugh at their efforts with the 20/20 vision that only hindsight can allow.

Thanks for trying SOAP people, it was a noble effort but it's game over I'm afraid.... oh wait, I just saw on Wikipedia that these were Microsoft people. In that case, screw em. SOAP is wank! YOU'VE WASTED YOUR LIVES!!

Even worse for CORBA. ..

On the second thought: The same companies made SOAP right after and along with CORBA. Maybe, even the same people. Don't blame Microsoft too much: IBM, Oracle, SAP, BEA - they are all ... equally "good"

We have the misfortune of dealing with a third party SOAP API at my office. My coworker did it the "correct" way, autogenerating thousands of lines of C# from the WSDL and trying to get the objects transparently serialized and deserialized. That turned out to be a multi-week effort, so finally I got fed up and spent 4 hours writing code to directly extract the values we needed from the raw XML.

I'm no fan of SOAP, but as a C# guy I'm curious to know what took so long?

I've got the same question. But I've written them in both Java and C#.

I worked on a project recently where we had a team of Java guys who worked on a SOAP implementation for a month. They could not get it to work in any way, shape or form. It was handed to me, and three of us did it a half an hour. All custom SOAP, still worked.

I just don't comprehend why this seems so hard to people on Hacker News. SOAP is just another protocol and as messy as any other.

> SOAP is just another protocol and as messy as any other.

I think that's where you and most of the other people on the thread are losing it. SOAP is way messier than just good old REST.

(disclaimer: I've never been forced to actually use SOAP.)

I have had to do both: SOAP is WAY more messy.

I'm not sure of the details. I vaguely recall there was a version mismatch with the provider's API, and at one point they were sending UTF-8 data when the header said UTF-16, or vice versa.

I've had that problem before, it's not hard to fix if the provider helps (OTOH if the provider doesn't, I guess some hacks should do the trick as well).

I'm not at the office so I don't have the code at hand.

If you have a narrow use case for a vast XML API/file format this is always the right approach (whether it's SOAP or not).

I think it's a law that any protocol or technology with 'simple' in the name invariably isn't.

SMTP is really quite simple. Of course, the array of hacks that is a modern mail infrastructure isn't - from SPF via Bayesian spam filtering to MIME - but the protocol itself is, really, quite simple.

However it has quite a lot of complication in the encrusted extensions - http://fanf.livejournal.com/64533.html

So true... even worse for stuff that is named "SIMPLE" in capital letters. SIMPLE -> "Session Initiation Protocol for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions". And no, it's not. It's based on ~100 of very long RFCs that make up SIP itself. Also it includes XML... and namespaces... and schemas... and some custom phone-specific values to make it less compatible with anything and more (and references HTTP and privileges model).

It's also a law that any field with the name 'science' in it isn't a science. (Health science, social science, military science, earth science, computer science...)

And any country with democratic or people's in it's name, is not democratic or belonging to the people (Democratic Republic of North Korea, of Congo, PRC ... )

Which is why my the department I'm an alumnus of called it Earth Science_s_ - http://www.esc.cam.ac.uk/ - which is fine: it's a coalition of mineralogy, mineral physics, petrology, paeleontology, geophysics and rheology...

you missed ... christian science :-)

I once worked at a company that had a platform named "Occam". While I was learning the system, I asked someone who had been there for a long time if they had chosen that name ironically. He didn't think it was funny.

Wow. This sums up my entire exposure to SOAP over the last few months. Thanks for the humorous, yet factual exchange of information!

SOAP really just exists to keep a tools/consulting/appserver/softwarestack business alive. Pretty sad.

Reminds me of the "Why I hate frameworks" essay by Benji Smith.


SOAP has always seemed bizarre to me. It's something like "We think CORBA was a good idea, but they messed some stuff up, so we'll toss the entirety of CORBA and make something with a completely new set of problems while completely ignoring most of the mistakes we learned with CORBA."

I'm still luke-warm at best on the whole ORB idea as-is, but even thinking from the point of view of someone who thinks object brokers are the best thing since sliced bread, I feel like the SOAP people got it very wrong.

It crosses some layer boundaries too.... having to manually edit (or I guess dynamically generate) wsdl files so that we can add a reverse proxy or load balancer in front of a webservice machine to access it several different ways in .net was definitely a pain in the butt.

This wonderful Socratic dialogue has articulated my professional hell over the past six months.

The only thing I like about SOAP's modern implementation is that it comes packaged with a WSDL usually - I would welcome a world where most REST APIs included a WSDL so I could just automatically stub a wrapper library.

Design-by-committee in action...

Some previously implemented projects implemented a SOAP prepaid account balance billing interface that runs in production today. Nobody is willing to touch the interface for modifications because every developer tasked to review proposed changes complain that it's way too brittle and prone to complexity.

This article is bittersweet because it sums up everybody's feelings pre- and post- implementation.

Sigh. this article made me a little sad. I keep wondering why the corporates who have all the money and resources keep using a technology that is just so old and has so many issues, when they have the better alternatives. My entire week was spent in just trying to get the configuration and a hello world service up and running.

Let me preface this by saying I'm not particularly a microsoft basher, however this smacks of their history of interface development. Remember COM in the 90's? It was so complicated no one really knew how it worked. The only way to use it was to use a compiler that had native support for it ... MS Visual Studio and MS VB. Delphi came a long way quickly and made it work. Anyway whether intended or not, the result was you were initially tied to using a MS tool to use the technology. SOAP seems the same. Odds are if you're writing one end of it or another (client or server) somewhere the mix you're going to have a Microsoft tool. If you want to talk to the product of that Microsoft tool by far the easiest way will be to use a Microsoft tool. So despite being "open", their implementation of it ties you into some vendor-specific tools.

Eurgh. Reminds me of writing Perl code to talk to .NET SOAP services in a previous job. Never again.

Why did SOAP win, and XMLRPC not win?

Soap was supposed to be the enterprisey safe superset of XML-RPC.

From my experience back at the beginning -- XML-RPC was slightly underspecified, and would have used a bit more of a firm hand about clarification of what was legal and what wasn't. SOAP was wildly overspecified and complexified to the point that you needed an army of consultants. Which is just perfect for enterprisey stuff, since you conviently have an army of consultants that need to have something to do.

IMHO, XMLRPC inhabited a middle ground that was washed away by REST and ajax/json type interfaces. It's an extra bit of complexity that's just not all that popular now, rather than a stunningly less complicated version of SOAP.

Yep... as I remember it, XML RPC was "specified" by Dave Winer, and it was really sloppy. As I remember, there was no discussion of character encoding in the spec, and if you read the spec literally, you actually HAD to generate invalid XML documents because the spec was written by someone who did not understand that there was such a thing as character encoding and that it was important. And Winer absolutely refused to add features or to allow any kind of process by which XML-RPC could evolve into something good enough to use. Then the Microsoft people who brought you COM in all its baroque loveliness got their hands on the concept and made an industrial strength, godforsaken, complex thing called SOAP. The problem with SOAP mostly stemmed from the fact that they thought that all the work would be done by compilers and IDEs and so forth... they thought all the programmer would do is click a button and hey presto they would be able to run one object on one server and another object on a second server, and who cares what happens on the wire protocol? It's the compiler's job! But that's a terrible recipe for interoperability.

Microsoft was behind SOAP and quickly added it to Visual Studio.

The two big differences, IIRC, were that XML-RPC didn't support authentication or any kind of structured types while SOAP did. Those were things that people at the time thought they needed.

Big companies and their commercial interests.

Why in an earlier age, did DCE fail so miserably? It was amply backed by ginormous corporate interests.

One reason is that Microsoft's implementation was compatible enough with Sun's to pass tests but not to perform much useful work. Without MS's active participation, most enterprises wouldn't benefit from interoperability.

The "Simple" in SOAP is seriously overtrumped by the "Simple" in SNMP.

...and the 'Lightweight' in LDAP ;-)

Oh God, I started reading the spec for LDAP a while back... terrifying.

It's easy to rant, but hard to come up with a viable alternative, that encompasses the same scope. XML-schema and WSDL are mocked as an aside, but I dare you to provide me a REST alternative for those, as standardized as those. For all the horror stories, I have used Java to interact with a C# webservice without any pain, including WS-Adressing. The WSDL and XML-schema were a godsend compared to the earlier spec.

Like people that think you can just replace XML with JSON: you are missing stuff.

A REST alternative for what?

Could it be that SOAP never had a solid set of test cases? Implementing a reasonably complex API should involve passing a series of public and very specific tests.

Love it. However at least SOAP is a spec and generally works.

REST is an architectural style there is no spec, just a idea! Added to that most folk also only build REST-like services.

Implementing a client for REST based services often requires a bunch of (generally simple) coding which takes time and is error prone.

Also pure REST is really good for building data access/CRUD services but makes it hard to build RPC type services without mangling the semantics.

> However at least SOAP is a spec and generally works.

SOAP has several versions of the spec and a bunch of vendor-specific cruft. The SOAP use-cases from this comment thread are enough indication of that.

> REST is an architectural style there is no spec, just a idea!

Yeah, but you use REST every day in your web browser. A lot of the times it isn't strongly RESTful, but it's still REST. For example, to view this comment thread and post your reply to someone's comment.

In SOAP, if I call the getUserByID(42) method on your end, and you don't have a user with id 42, what do you do? Do you return an empty response? Do you return some kind of SOAPFault? If so, what kind?

In REST, if I GET http://yourservice.com/users/42 and you don't have user 42, I get HTTP 404. That's the only logical response.

> Implementing a client for REST based services often requires a bunch of (generally simple) coding which takes time and is error prone.

This is no different from SOAP, with the exception that with SOAP you have to have your requests stuffed into XML by some libraries which have read some other autogenerated XML to figure out how to stuff your requests.

With REST, you can write a library (that wraps HTTP calls), or you can use curl, or (for simple GET requests) you can use your browser. Your platform might not support SOAP, but it definitely supports REST.

> Also pure REST is really good for building data access/CRUD services but makes it hard to build RPC type services without mangling the semantics.

This has been said multiple times but let's say it again:

REST is not RPC.

If you're looking to remotely call procedures on your app, REST isn't going to provide that.

The only case where REST doesn't work is the case where your client demands SOAP. In any other case, REST works beautifully. Not everyone does REST right, but even when it's done suboptimally (e.g. not providing hyperlinks to related resources) it's still worlds better than SOAP.

The insistence on doing RPC is (IMHO) part of what caused SOAP to fail. Too many tool vendors sold too many developers on the myth that you could ignore the "R" part of RPC, completely ignoring the fact that doing so runs you (painfully) head-first into the 8 fallacies of distributed computing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacies_of_Distributed_Comput...

I never did anything using SOAP, and thought that this technology died many years ago.

"I trust that the guys who wrote this have been shot."

Ha ha! I must remember this put-down - it could be used in so many contexts :)

As an ex-SOAP-dev... Yeah.

Oh god... that's my life!

I stopped using SOAP in the shower a month ago and have never felt cleaner. Showering is a more efficient process now:

- I spend less money on resources (SOAP, lotion, etc)

- I get clean faster -- SOAP used to slow me down

- Using someone else's shower is easy, I just take my towel. I don't have to worry if their SOAP is compatible with me.

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