Feeling a little too comfortable where I'm at now. In the last couple years I had some side projects in distributed systems.
Those were fun, learned a new language, came to the conclusion that Go is overhyped and immature and helped me appreciate that Java ain't that bad after all. Feel like the project did help me be a better developer, understand load balancing, databases, storage systems etc better.
What new tech have y'all learned in the past 6 months - 1yr that you found to have made you a better developer?
2. GraphQL - Typed, structured API.
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attachment_theory: A very powerful tool to explain human behavior. It can explain individual personal interactions, personal and professional relationships, family systems and many bigger picture things.
4. How to build desktops: Build times are way way faster on desktop CPUs. More control over motherboard / getting faster IO, further improving buildtimes. More upgradeable, things can be switched out, whereas with laptops everything is soldered together.
5. Language practice: Started tapes on Polish / Ukrainian. Restarting Chinese soon.
6. Basic fitness things / more exercises