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I wish there were a way to enforce this client side.

uBlock Origin and uBlock Matrix can both enforce it. But you won't be able to read the news or check the weather.

I block all Javascript, cookies and third party sites by default. I still get news and weather. Even nytimes.com works.

That's why you use AdNauseum instead. I read news, check the weather, and generally live my life. Combine it with ExplodingCookies and life is better than it was.

In my understanding, it's trivially easy to identify and filter out those fake clicks.

Also I don't want to screw with advertisers' perception of who I am. If anything, I really like how ads are actually relevant to me -- it's a lot better than the days of penis pill banners. I just want them to stop following me around so closely and putting my "anonymized" data at risk of exfiltration by hackers or governments.

Pretty sure the Brave Browser can do this if you change a couple of settings :)

uMatrix on firefox might be a good start

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