- a key-value store with a naive editor on top, which allows you to reduce your app to a single SHA-1 hash value if the app is pure Lua - the hash for the initial snippet that you can retrieve from the web.
e.g. if I tell you to give a shot to 5f564ee0eca0ce524ea094e73c3056454948fa37 I can with some level of confidence say that if you run it, it will do what I expect it will do - print a string, call another bit, which in turn will print a string and grab another bit, which in turn print "hello world".
One other idea is that if this were to talk with a DHT, one could run a "web of code" - where deploying the code would mean just distributing a SHA-256/SHA-512 hash to the target that will run the code...
Will appreciate any feedback.
p.s. the idea is obviously not unique to Lua - you can do the same way with any other dynamic language, just that I personally prefer Lua.
p.p.s. The stack is mongrel2 + lua + redis running on a VPS, so I am very curious how it performs performance-wise.