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> or literally imprisoning you in the House basement, which will never happen but it's amusing to note that they technically have that authority

Surely someone needs to feature this possibility in a movie somehow!

The last time the UK House of Commons used their equivalent power to imprison someone in Big Ben was Charles Bradlaugh in 1880.


That movie definitely needs to feature the Mace of the US House Of Representatives, which is A Thing You Should Definitely Go Look Up.

Over in the UK parliament, grabbing the mace has almost become a trope of renegade MPs. It's a big emergency stop button on proceedings as it represents the monarch's authority and without it parliament has no power.

Most famous are Michael Heseltine, or Oliver Cromwell a couple of years before the UK's brief experiment with republican dictatorship.



"Disciplinary usage"

"In accordance with the House Rules, on the rare occasion that a member becomes unruly, the Sergeant at Arms, upon order of the Speaker, lifts the mace from its pedestal and presents it before the offenders, thereby restoring order. There have been at least six instances where the Mace was used to quell disorder."

"During President Donald Trump's 2019 State of the Union speech, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wore a brooch styled after the Mace, presumably as a symbol of her authority as speaker."


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