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Evacuate Hong Kong (joelx.com)
9 points by silexia on Aug 15, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

As one of the last bastions of free people in the world, we have a strong ethical and moral obligation to help these freedom fighters. Taking no action or even worse, barring them entry is tantamount to murder. We need to be courageous and do the right thing and evacuate Hong Kong.

Sounds very bold.

I'm assuming the author made a similar plea in regard to the refugee crisis in Syria - yes?

Syria was a different situation, and I would actually have recommended an even more dramatic intervention early on there.

In Syria there was a very weak government and strong revolutionary forces. A few ground troops could have helped topple al-Assad. There are risks to this strategy though since the Russians were providing military aid to him... could have risked turning into a proxy war like Vietnam or a quagmire like Afghanistan. At the start of the Syrian war, sending in troops may have worked. I would send in troops now to Venezuela before Maduro finishes his purges and solidification of power.

We hear a lot about immigration being a destabilizing force, or at least people perceiving it as such.

Immigration is conversely a stabilizing force. Potential dissenters have been leaving China for years so that allowing Chinese immigrants in to your country is really a gift to the communist government.

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