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I swing more to lifestyles than jackpots, but a successful (for any definition of "successful") lifestyle business is a great place to try conquering the world from. A recurring theme for folks trying to shoot the moon is how much time fundraising takes up and how conflicts with investors can drive you under. If the rent is covered and salaries are already in the bank, you have a great fallback position. (BATNA is "We go back to where we were before we knew you. Oh, shucks, successful business." versus "We fail to make payroll and the bank repossesses my liver.")

An excellent point that seems to be under-emphasized. Instead of swinging for the fences on the first at-bat, focus on getting a man on base first. /cheesy metaphor

Also - building a lifestyle business is largely under your own control, if you work hard and have the least bit of talent you'll be able to make it work. Hitting the jackpot is much more a matter of things outside your control, even though you work hard the odds are stacked against you and you'll probably fail.

> "Hitting the jackpot is much more a matter of things outside your control"

It seems like this is even more true in the last few years, when company after company with no users, no business gets acquired, then shut down by the acquirer.

In fairness most of those acquirees have users, just no business ... or at least no monetization.

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