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This is 23rd Century Technology.

Let me explain.

See, the general pattern here is transducer + miniaturization. Maybe that makes for a microphone if you apply it to sound, but what I would like to see is the ability to fabricate ultra-small transducers for every known wavelength / electromagnetic spectrum phenomena.

Then for Act II... put those suckers in an array...

Can anybody say Star Trek Tricorder?

Actually, even a would-be Tricorder is a limited application... the real applications range from everything from electron microscopes to radiotelescopes, and everything in between.

Reversed, you could possibly get different types of field modulation out of such an array... need an electromagnetic field of whatever frequency and form for whatever purpose? That is, a universal field generator?

First step, right here.

Not just brilliant, but utterly, utterly, utterly brilliant!

This is my new #1 favorite EVER, on HN!

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