There are lots of deep learning books on the market. The vast majority of them are presenting practical examples using some Python (or whatever) deep learning framework. Such books don't interest me at all. If I wanted to learn some particular framework, I would just look up the documentation for that framework.
I'm looking for two types of books:
1. A technical, math-heavy introduction to neural networks and deep learning, with little or no actual code (except possibly some pseudocode). The often recommended book by Goodfellow et al resembles what I'm looking for, but unfortunately, it completely lacks exercises.
2. An entertaining pop science like book which takes a more philosophical and cross disciplinary look at neural networks as well as their inspirations and applications. I haven't been able to find a single book like this, but surely it has to exist?
Recommendations, anyone?
Have you considered giving Goodfellow another shot, but trying to re-derive the results therein as a form of exercise? I think that would likely be one of the faster methods to bring yourself reasonably up to date with the field.