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> unbroken spine on your Godel Escher Bach

I've read most of it, some parts several times, over the years.

But my spine is unbroken. Here's how:

Open about 20 pages and run your finger firmly down the gutter. Flip 20 pages and repeat until you get to the center of the book. Next, start at the back and repeat, moving towards the center. Then repeat the whole exercise.

While you are reading, occasionally run your finger down the gutter. If you do this, you'll never break a spine, and those massive paperbacks will lie open on the table.

An iPhone makes a good book weight, almost as good as Levenger's.

this comment is kinda the best possible case of "extremely literal reading of the OP's comment"

You must be my son from the future...takes everything literally.

Thanks for the advice. Never heard that before. I'll try it out!

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