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> are they hiring foreign hackers?

Probably, but they wouldn't need more than one or two.

E: Actually, I should just refer to this awfully specific grugq take https://twitter.com/thegrugq/status/997114164131737600

Agree with this in order of magnitude at least. Even if it's 10 and not 1 or 2, the costs are relatively low. They have drug and other money. Hire for aptitude, train the trainer. Everyone else is shackled by plausible deniability. DPRK gives zero f*cks. Best candidates, best training, whatever equipment, training, and info you want, and go...no bars held.

It's all about removing constraints.

> no bars held

Off topic, but it's "no holds barred". From wrestling: no holds (moves) barred (banned), i.e. anything goes.

It's a sort of silly inverse meme thing. So a little "whoosh", but thanks for noticing.

I love it, will steal..

There are more than a few efnet characters on the run with the right skillset ,I'd be really surprised if a few of them didn't get picked up by NK or similar states.

You get me :) Check my post history (not short) for skeptics. I feel something here. I'm not cocky, just old with a relatively varied history.

I can think of at least a couple of people that "retired" with far too little stolen money in exactly the kind of places where you'd get recruited from by NK & Co.

Nobody ever discusses this publicly, but I feel like everyone that's been around for a bit knows. Many of those names you find in old phrack zines. Frankly, every day I'm surprised none of those old names come up in new indictments.

Who's getting pardoned if Beto manages to get elected? lol.

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