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Whenever I see people throw around “regulatory capture” when talking about immensely complex and finely tuned systems for delivering critical services, I think of newbie programmers who approach a big legacy codebase with the idea “oh this is all crap, we should just rewrite it.”

The electric grid is the product of a century of technical and regulatory co-design. If you were starting from scratch with an eye to accommodating renewables, you wouldn’t design either the grid or the regulations the way they are. But you’re not. You’re slowly evolving the system from point A to point B. You’re dealing with expensive physical infrastructure built on 30 year planning horizons, in many cases with express guarantees about revenues (because at the time, you needed that capacity and sought to induce someone to build it).

When I think of distortions to the energy market, I think of screwed up regulation. And it is usually not to the benefit of the customers.

A friend in texas pays about .06/kwh for residential power. In California, PG&E gets power at 0.03/0.04 per kwh, and resells it to residential customers for .22/.28/.49 per kwh. (you pay more when you use more, unlike any other commodity)

I hope these markets benefit from robust competition, and maybe projects like this help. Allow alternative energy, route around distribution problems and shake things up a bit.

(yeah, "throw out the old code, rewrite it")

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