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Well, you are supposed to be able to delete all your volumes, containers and networks and then regenerate it by running the recettes (edit:I mean.. recipes :D) (Dockerfile, docker-compose, kubernetes, volume backup, etc.).

Well, you are supposed to be able to delete all your volumes, containers and networks and then regenerate

So then Docker is designed to treat all of those as disposable.

I just searched "recette" and only came up with French cooking references.

> So then Docker is designed to treat all of those as disposable.

I don't really know if it's designed like that but I treat them as disposable and unreliable so I must have a way to resuscitate the thing when something bad happens.

> I just searched "recette" and only came up with French cooking references.

Perhaps a phonetic spelling of "resets" by a French person :)

Something like that :D. I was thinking "recette" as in "recipe" but somehow only the word "receipt" came to my mind so I thought "oh, it must be one of those words that are the same in both language".

I am a bit tired.

It's french for "recipe".

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