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What makes you say that? I mean what would they do better than I could do with Elixir or Haskell? I use Elixir when typical APIs or stateful soft real-time stuff is needed and Haskell whenever I have some complex data structures and logic to work on.

I'm unfamiliar with F# and .NET stuff. C# I don't like one bit, if that's anywhere near that avenue. I've tried Reason but didn't quite click with it. Ended up preferring Elm for the frontend side, although Purescript could be even a better fit for me there.

Thanks, excellent resources!

Not sure why you don't like C#, as to me it's the most sane and powerful of the Java-esque languages. I'm familiar and have used all the usual suspects, and IMHO I like the .net stack. I said F# because you said you liked both Haskell (ML-style languages) and ELM. (F# however of course eager-eval like OCaml/Reason and doesn't quite have higher-order types.) And you said, "Haskell is not as ideal for web development" - and you can't really beat asp.net core on the back-end side of things. With F# you get back-end code and front-end code - the SAFE stack, ELMish, transpilation of F# to front-end JS using Fable or Xamarin WebSharper (which creates transparent proxies to exec code client-side purely from a meta-data annotation on your fn), Electron on the client, mobile (droid, iOS...) using web-tech, bindings to ReactNative, or the new Fabulous, etc.

Perhaps I've managed to somehow develop an inherent allergy to Java'ish languages. I use plenty of Dart nowadays and as a language it's not something I like to use. However, other things count too and the platform (Flutter) is awesome.

Most importantly, I've grown into immutable data a little too much to willingly give that up.

> you can't really beat asp.net core on the back-end side of things

I guess you could argue that about Elixir too, particularly with soft real-time stuff. And Haskell does a good job in its own right where I find Elixir lacking.

Unfortunately still not seeing the benefits of really putting the effort to picking up something new when there's nothing clear to gain from it.

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