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There is a vertical scroll bar. You need to check them all because they're all checks.

In case anybody missed the humor in this, like I did the first time round: all of the pictures denote some kind of "check". Like with the bows.

There are pictures of people checking things – a watch, and something else I can't quite see.

There are games of chess in a state of check.

There are monetary checks.

There are check boxes.

I scrolled down and still couldn't see the checkboxes under the last row. Maybe it also doesn't work on Firefox, because as trivial as it is to make a site that works everywhere no one does. Normally this frustrates me, but if that's the case here it kind of makes sense.

The checkboxes are actually above all of the images.

I tried scrolling down, realized I couldn't, then scrolled up to find the unfilled row at the top...

I did exactly that as well. I’m also happy that there appear to be several different captchas, as others mentioned ones I didn’t see. The best one I clicked through was “select every picture with glasses” and every picture had either eyeglasses, drinking glasses or panes of glass.

I’m pretty sure the top row of check boxes doesn’t appear until you scroll back up.

facepalm this is even better.


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