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In terms of life that is made out of 'normal matter' like we are, there are a few different universal solvents that could make this work [0]. Wikipedia's entry there is fairly facinating stuff. The really big take-away is that there is a limited number of universal solvents and we know what the temperature and pressure ranges of those solvents are; there are defined 'Goldilocks Zones'.

Outside of the matter that we are made of, who knows. It's not impossible that dark matter could somehow be set-up to create life, but we've no idea if it's feasible. The same goes for dark energy, only more so as we have basically no clue what dark energy is, even though it makes up the majority of the 'stuff' in the cosmos.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothetical_types_of_biochemi...

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