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I've developed an alternative to captcha for blog comment/forum spam a while ago.

There are many methods that are easily dismissed with "but not all spam is like that" and "someone could work around it easily":

• blocking of links (if you don't need them, or in fields that are not for them).

• blocking of obviously spammy keywords (or bayesian filter)

• invisible fields and syntax to trip up dumb implementations

• requiring JS, properly-functioning cookies

• blocking of IP ranges that belong to VPS providers and a couple of 3rd world telecoms that allow spam

Each of them is surprisingly effective and combined they block 99.8%.

You really shouldn't flatter yourself thinking that a spammer will even look at your page. They have literally millions of sites to spam, and they couldn't care less if they get yours or not. A bot will find a 1000 other sites to spam quicker than it takes a human to click "View Source".

Most of spam is done by amateurs who take shitty off-the-shelf spam software, seed it with a target list copied off some forum, and run it on a couple of spam-friendly or incompetent VPS hosts. By volume, this is the vast majority and it's very easy to block.

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