"Well if RackSpace, an industry veteran with 12 years of serving experience and $600m+ annual revenues, feels that a two-year old venture funded startup offers superior monitoring functionality than that says a lot about the company's internal processes and development priorities."
For RackSpace, monitoring is a cost center and not a core competency.
"If the data is available inside the company then it even has a duty to shareholders, as a publicly listed company, to make the most out of that data to enhance profits."
This cliche, like most cliches, is not only annoying, it is wrong:
For RackSpace, monitoring is a cost center and not a core competency.
"If the data is available inside the company then it even has a duty to shareholders, as a publicly listed company, to make the most out of that data to enhance profits."
This cliche, like most cliches, is not only annoying, it is wrong: