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The CPU core gives, and the compiler takes away.

While the x86 bus architecture is very forgiving, its guarantees only extend up to the level of assembly language. Compilers are happy to re-order operations that the machine has so carefully sequenced.

At the source-code level, therefore, you need to use "atomic" data types and operations (and carefully) just to retain the deterministic semantics the underlying machine implements.

That's the bad news. The good news is twofold: using atomics on x86 doesn't cost any extra (i.e., you pay for fully ordered operations whether you rely on them or not), and doing it right makes your code portable to machines with "relaxed" ordering, where you only pay for ordering if you ask for it.

Intel and AMD manage to make a strongly ordered bus system almost as fast as a relaxed one by throwing enormous numbers of transistors at the problem. It costs more power, and is the very devil to get right, but it makes wrong programs more likely to get the right answer anyway.

Something that has changed since 2008 is that Standardized languages actually have atomic types.

That's a little oversold. In general only the most subtle code is going to rely on instruction ordering for correctness. Pedestrian users just use an OS supplied locking primitives, which will include appropriate fencing at both the ISA and optimizer level.

I mean, yeah, compilers can reorder your instructions at build time just like CPUs can at runtime. But neither will reorder across a call to pthread_mutex_lock(). Use that. Doing otherwise is just a footcannon, unless you happen to be actually implementing a locking primitive.

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