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Kurt Godel starved himself to death after his wife was hospitalized because he would only eat food she cooked! Wow

I'm inclined to read between the lines on that one.

"Later in his life, Gödel suffered periods of mental instability and illness. He had an obsessive fear of being poisoned; he would eat only food that his wife, Adele, prepared for him."

There's your between the lines. He was mentally ill later in his life, which caused his untimely death. I don't know what you were reading between the lines, but if it was making fun of an old man and his mental illness, please keep it to yourself.

There were a lot of ways of reading the implications of their unclear post, but you assumed the worst and attacked. That doesn't contribute to a reasonable discussion.

If somebody is being unreasonably ambiguous about an issue I feel personally strong about I feel it's my responsibility to notify the author that you shouldn't teeter between comedy and seriousness. Maybe I would say it in milder manner were it in person, but I think you should at least put the effort to let the reader know, that you are not mocking the individual in question.

I disagree with your approach. Thank you for explaining it.

I see. Also I have to admit the OP filled my other checkbox which is low-effort content intended to be amusing. Which I expect to read in Reddit but not here. And I do like to take confrontational stance in effort to make the other party to see my point of view in stronger light. I don't see it useful to try to avoid showing strong emotions in text or in person, I think trying to be neutral in all situations just makes everything very plain.

And as a disclaimer I did not downvote you nor do I see any purpose to it. If somebody tries to explain themselves in coherent fashion I think it's admirable even though I might disagree with them.

Neither did I downvote you; I was concerned that you might think so, but I didn't want to discuss it, because I know that's frowned upon here. The low-effort try for a laugh bothers me, too.

Huh I was thinking of loneliness.

I don't understand your statement.

> Jeremy Brenno, 16, was killed on a golf course when, frustrated, he struck a bench with a 3-wood golf club. The shaft broke, bounced back at him, and pierced his heart.

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