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"co-starting the 2WW, together with Germany"

It's so convenient to ignore the Munich agreement and the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia by Germany, Poland and Hungary with the approval of the West and despite the USSR's objections.

That's something both Polish and international historians condemn, and there's no serious justification of this act, not in maintream Polish history books, nor on Wikipedia (described as "annexation" in .pl wiki). PS: Poland was not a signatory to the Munich agreements.

But Molotov-Rippentrop pact is a direct consequence of the Munich agreement that clearly signalled that the West doesn't intend to fight Nazis and the USSR would be alone.

The same signal was reinforced by the failure of the USSR to form an anti-Hitler alliance with France and the GB.

The events that followed prove the lack of will to fight Hitler on part of the West - the Great Britain declared war on the Germany after it invaded Poland, but this war is called the Phony War for a reason - the GB didn't actually do anything.

So when you reduce the history to "the USSR signed the pact with Hitler and they together started WW2" it is at the very least uninformed.

At the time, it didn't prevent Poles to take their bite from Czechoslovakia too.

I've already condemened it.

PS: I like sharp counterarguments, but I guess it cannot go as "P1: We did wrong! P2: What about that time you did wrong?"

No honor among thieves. Poland was marked to be taken off the history books because her neighbors were powerful. Poland would have the same back then, if it was in their position. History of the world. The last few decades are very unique as we have peace, minus a few things here and there.

There's a short story (by Alan Dean Foster?) about the Polish empire surviving into the 20th century and leading to a glorious utopian age.

Yeah! what about that![0]

0: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism

Please don't mindlessly repeat this Cold War propaganda bit.

There is a direct cause and effect relationship between the Munich agreement and the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Talking about the latter starting the WW2 without mentioning the former is at the very least misleading.

Please, don't mindlessly repeat this Russian propaganda. Rapallo happened in 1922. And there is a direct cause and effect relationship between it and German militarization.

You will need to elaborate on that.

Edit: Please don't substantially edit your comments after they have a reply.

And you still need to elaborate.

The war nearly started in 1938 over Czechoslovakia. Hitler was already determined upon war at that point, so he is right that it’s a split toe more complex than that. You have to look at the preceding years, appeasement and Munich.

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