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Show HN: Painless CSS: Learn CSS from First Principles (painlesscss.com)
36 points by Kortaggio on May 28, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Congrats on launching. Looks exhaustive.

Quick question, I've seen quite a few sites and emails where these meme gifs are being used.

Do these work?

I personally find them distracting.

I’m about to start learning css/web stuff and have been overwhelmed with the mass amount of tutorials out there. How is this one, as objectively speaking as possible? I’d only be interested in the book, so what makes this worth $20?

(My background is in physics, and I’m currently programming mostly functional stuff with C++ and Python, if it matters.)

Knowing flexbox, positions, pseudoselectors, media queries, and how specificity works will get you very far with CSS.

Looks cool! I like the fresh approach.

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