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In 5 to 10 years ARM will not be selling anything to Chinese companies, which will have all moved to domestic and/or open designs.

That's the only possible end result.

I tend to agree but not sure it will be all or nothing. Grey and black market deals for components happen all the time, and nobody trades more heavily than China. Brings a whole new meaning to ARMs dealer.

So Chinese companies wont be selling anything to the rest of the world.

We already know that they are capable of building their own designs or software. The thing is NOBODY will ever use it outside of China.

The whole point of this situation is to force China to open more their market so we can at least pretend we have a fair trading environment.

Of course they'll be selling plenty to the rest of the world.

It will be beneficial since it will give third countries a choice and help reduce their reliance on the US/monopolistic incumbents.

Trump's game really is to hurt China so that they don't become "number one on his watch" (his words). It's a good old power struggle behind the rhetoric of "fair trading environment".

@theredbox is saying that China can ship its tech to the world, but the world can't currently ship its tech to it (great firewall). That seems unfair.

Of course the world can currently sell its tech to China. And it does.

Google, FB, Amazon, Microsoft is severely limited in China as examples.

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